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Word Meanings - SOLITARY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Not associated with others of the same kind. Solitary ant , any solitary hymenopterous insect of the family Mutillidæ. The female of these insects is destitute of wings and has a powerful sting. The male is winged and resembles a wasp. Called also

Additional info about word: SOLITARY

Not associated with others of the same kind. Solitary ant , any solitary hymenopterous insect of the family Mutillidæ. The female of these insects is destitute of wings and has a powerful sting. The male is winged and resembles a wasp. Called also spider ant. -- Solitary bee , any species of bee which does not form communities. -- Solitary sandpiper , an American tattler (Totanus solitarius). -- Solitary snipe , the great snipe. -- Solitary thrush the starling. (more info) 1. Living or being by one's self; having no companion present; being without associates; single; alone; lonely. Those rare and solitary, these in flocks. Milton. Hie home unto my chamber, Where thou shalt find me, sad and solitary. Shak. 2. Performed, passed, or endured alone; as, a solitary journey; a solitary life. Satan . . . explores his solitary flight. Milton. 3. ot much visited or frequented remote from society; retired; lonely; as, a solitary residence or place. 4. Not inhabited or occupied; without signs of inhabitants or occupation; desolate; deserted; silent; still; hence, gloomy; dismal; as, the solitary desert. How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people. Lam. i. 1. Let that night be solitary; let no joyful voice come therein. Job iii. 7. 5. Single; individual; sole; as, a solitary instance of vengeance; a solitary example.

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    One who forsakes a duty, a cause or a party, a friend, or any one to whom he owes service; especially, a soldier or a seaman who abandons the service without leave; one guilty of desertion.
    1. Destitute or deprived of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; hence, gloomy; as, a desolate isle; a desolate wilderness; a desolate house. I will make Jerusalem . . . a den of dragons, and I will make the cities of Judah desolate, without an
    The condition or quality of being regular; as, regularity of outline; the regularity of motion.
    Without hap or luck; luckless; unfortunate; unlucky; unhappy; as, hapless youth; hapless maid. Dryden.
    Lapping over the breast only far enough to permit of buttoning, and having buttons on one edge only; as, a single-breasted coast.
    1. The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race; an aggregate of individuals forming a whole; a community; a nation. Unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen. xlix. 10. The ants are a people not strong. Prov. xxx.
    A subdivision of Carnivora having plantigrade feet. It includes the bears, raccoons, and allied species.
    One who individualizes.
    A state of being alone, or without company; solitariness. Bp. Montagu.
    The embryo which has begun its development in the act of germination.
    Being without a like or equal; unmatched; unequaled; unparalleled; single in kind or excellence; sole. -- U*nique"ly, adv. -- U*nique"ness, n.
    Walking on the sole of the foot; pertaining to the plantigrades. Having the foot so formed that the heel touches the ground when the leg is upright.
    The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization. The act or process of changing or expanding an expression into another
    A division of Echini which includes the circular, or regular, sea urchins.
    In a forlorn manner. Pollok.
    Having simplicity of action; especially , acting or exerting force during strokes in one direction only; -- said of a reciprocating engine, pump, etc.
    Having but one hand, or one workman; also, alone; unassisted.
    A building comprising a number of suites designed for separate housekeeping tenements, but having conveniences, such as heat, light, elevator service, etc., furnished in common; -- often distinguished in the United States from a flat house.
    State of being forlorn. Boyle.
    The quality of standing apart.
    The act of displanting; removal; displacement. Sir W. Raleigh.
    heels, to throw down; sub under + planta the sole of the foot, also, 1. To trip up. "Supplanted, down he fell." Milton. 2. To remove or displace by stratagem; to displace and take the place of; to supersede; as, a rival supplants another in the
    Ill desert. Addison.
    Not separate; together; united. Shak.
    A division of that which is individual. An individual can not branch itself into subindividuals. Milton.
    The state or quality of being irregular; that which is irregular.
    Ill desert. Spenser.
    Fertilized by pollen from the same flower.
    Failure or lack of development.
    Having the tarsus covered behind with a horny sheath continuous on both sides, as in most singing birds, except the larks.


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