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Word Meanings - HAPLESS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Without hap or luck; luckless; unfortunate; unlucky; unhappy; as, hapless youth; hapless maid. Dryden.

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    Etym: 1. To make dark or black; to deprite of light; to obscure; as, a darkened room. They covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened. Ex. x. 15. So spake the Sovran Voice; and clouds began To darken all the hill. Milton.
    One who forsakes a duty, a cause or a party, a friend, or any one to whom he owes service; especially, a soldier or a seaman who abandons the service without leave; one guilty of desertion.
    1. Destitute or deprived of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; hence, gloomy; as, a desolate isle; a desolate wilderness; a desolate house. I will make Jerusalem . . . a den of dragons, and I will make the cities of Judah desolate, without an
    , . Quality of being fatal. Johnson.
    Without hap or luck; luckless; unfortunate; unlucky; unhappy; as, hapless youth; hapless maid. Dryden.
    Last; as, darrein continuance, the last continuance.
    Implying, or partaking of the nature of, fatalism.
    1. The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race; an aggregate of individuals forming a whole; a community; a nation. Unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen. xlix. 10. The ants are a people not strong. Prov. xxx.
    1. The absence of light; blackness; obscurity; gloom. And darkness was upon the face of the deep. Gen. i. 2. 2. A state of privacy; secrecy. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light. Matt. x. 27. 3. A state of ignorance or
    Boldness; fearlessness; adventurousness; also, a daring act.
    A subdivision of Carnivora having plantigrade feet. It includes the bears, raccoons, and allied species.
    Feeling or expressing despair; hopeless. -- De*spair"ing*ly, adv. -- De*spair"ing*ness, n.
    1. The state of being fatal, or proceeding from destiny; invincible necessity, superior to, and independent of, free and rational control. The Stoics held a fatality, and a fixed, unalterable course of events. South. 2. The state of being fatal;
    The embryo which has begun its development in the act of germination.
    Walking on the sole of the foot; pertaining to the plantigrades. Having the foot so formed that the heel touches the ground when the leg is upright.
    The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization. The act or process of changing or expanding an expression into another
    In a forlorn manner. Pollok.
  • DARE
    To have adequate or sufficient courage for any purpose; to be bold or venturesome; not to be afraid; to venture. I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none. Shak. Why then did not the ministers use their new law Bacause they
    Twilight; gloaming. Wright.
    State of being forlorn. Boyle.
    The act of displanting; removal; displacement. Sir W. Raleigh.
    heels, to throw down; sub under + planta the sole of the foot, also, 1. To trip up. "Supplanted, down he fell." Milton. 2. To remove or displace by stratagem; to displace and take the place of; to supersede; as, a rival supplants another in the
    Ill desert. Addison.
    A small piece of money. Shak.
    See SWIFT
    To pander.
    Of or pertaining to the cedar or its wood.
    Ill desert. Spenser.
    The body of gendarmes.
    To disprove; to refute; toconfute; to reprove; to convict. How shall I . . . suffer that God should redargue me at doomsday, and the angels reproach my lukewarmness Jer. Taylor. Now this objection to the immediate cognition of external objects has,


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