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Publisher vocabulary

    1. The act of calling back, or the state of being recalled; recall. One that saw the people bent for the revocation of Calvin, gave him notice of their affection. Hooker. 2. The act by which one, having the right, annuls an act done, a power or
    Formerly, a soldier who was taught and armed to serve either on horseback or on foot; now, a mounted soldier; a cavalry man. 2. A variety of pigeon. Clarke. Dragoon bird , the umbrella bird. (more info) also, a cohort's standard . The name was
  • CRAG
    1. The neck or throat And bear the crag so stiff and so state. Spenser. 2. The neck piece or scrag of mutton. Johnson.
    The possessive case of who or which. See Who, and Which. Whose daughter art thou tell me, I pray thee. Gen. xxiv. 23. The question whose solution I require. Dryden.
    Any one of numerous species of echinoderms of the order Echinoidea. Note: When living they are covered with movable spines which are often long and sharp.
    An affectation of excessive elegance and refinement of language; high-flown diction.
    Of or pertaining to a deacon.

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