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Word Meanings - HULLED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Deprived of the hulls. Hulled corn, kernels of maize prepared for food by removing the hulls.

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    Deprived of the hulls. Hulled corn, kernels of maize prepared for food by removing the hulls.
    One who, or that which, hulls; especially, an agricultural machine for removing the hulls from grain; a hulling machine.
    A confused noise; uproar; tumult. Thackeray.
    By way of preparation.
    See HOLLO
    Having or containing hulls.
    One who removes; as, a remover of landmarks. Bacon.
    1. Changed in place. 2. Dismissed from office. 3. Distant in location; remote. "Something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling." Shak. 4. Distant by degrees in relationship; as, a cousin once removed. -- Re*mov"ed*ness (r, n.
    One who, or that which, deprives.
    the taking away from a clergyman his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity. Note: Deprivation may be a beneficio or ab officio; the first takes away the living, the last degrades and deposes from the order. (more info) 1. The act of
  • HULL
    The frame or body of a vessel, exclusive of her masts, yards, sails, and rigging. Deep in their hulls our deadly bullets light. Dryden. Hull down, said of a ship so distant that her hull is concealed by the convexity of the sea. (more
    1. To move away from the position occupied; to cause to change place; to displace; as, to remove a building. Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor's landmark. Deut. xix. 14. When we had dined, to prevent the ladies' leaving us, I generally ordered
    One who, or that which, prepares, fits, or makes ready. Wood.
    Capable of being prepared. "Medicine preparable by art." Boyle.
    A large species of American grass of the genus Zea , widely cultivated as a forage and food plant; Indian corn. Also, its seed, growing on cobs, and used as food for men animals. Maize eater , a South American bird of the genus Pseudoleistes,
    1. To take away; to put an end; to destroy. 'Tis honor to deprive dishonored life. Shak. 2. To dispossess; to bereave; to divest; to hinder from possessing; to debar; to shut out from; -- with a remoter object, usually preceded by of. God hath
    Admitting of being removed. Ayliffe. -- Re*mov`a*bil"i*ty (-, n.
    The holding over of a note from one chord into the next chord, where it forms a temporary discord, until resolved in the chord that follows; the anticipation of a discordant note in the preceding concord, so that the ear is prepared for the shock.
    Preparing the way for anything by previous measures of adaptation; antecedent and adapted to what follows; introductory; preparative; as, a preparatory school; a preparatory condition.
    Want of preparation. Hooker.
    Not removable; immovable; inflexible. Shak. -- Ir`re*mov"a*bly, adv.
    The quality or state of being irremovable; immovableness.
    To render unprepared. Hobbes.
    Neglect or failure to prepare; want of preparation.


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