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Word Meanings - HULL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The frame or body of a vessel, exclusive of her masts, yards, sails, and rigging. Deep in their hulls our deadly bullets light. Dryden. Hull down, said of a ship so distant that her hull is concealed by the convexity of the sea. (more

Additional info about word: HULL

The frame or body of a vessel, exclusive of her masts, yards, sails, and rigging. Deep in their hulls our deadly bullets light. Dryden. Hull down, said of a ship so distant that her hull is concealed by the convexity of the sea. (more info) covering, husk, case, hüllen to cover, Goth. huljan to cover, AS. 1. The outer covering of anything, particularly of a nut or of grain; the outer skin of a kernel; the husk.

Related words: (words related to HULL)

    licht, OHG. lioht, Goth. liuhap, Icel. lj, L. lux light, lucere to 1. That agent, force, or action in nature by the operation of which upon the organs of sight, objects are rendered visible or luminous. Note: Light was regarded formerly
    stand apart, be separate or distant; dis- + stare to stand. See 1. Separated; having an intervening space; at a distance; away. One board had two tenons, equally distant. Ex. xxxvi. 22. Diana's temple is not distant far. Shak. 2. Far separated;
    Hidden; kept from sight; secreted. -- Con*ceal"ed*ly (, adv. -- Con*ceal"ed*ness, n. Concealed weapons , dangerous weapons so carried on the person as to be knowingly or willfully concealed from sight, -- a practice forbidden by statute.
    1. Having light; lighted; not dark or gloomy; bright. White walls make rooms more lightsome than black. Bacon. 2. Gay; airy; cheering; exhilarating. That lightsome affection of joy. Hooker. -- Light"some*ly, adv. -- Light"some*ness, n. Happiness
    The state, condition, or quality, of being light or not heavy; buoyancy; levity; fickleness; delicacy; grace. Syn. -- Levity; volatility; instability; inconstancy; unsteadiness; giddiness; flightiness; airiness; gayety; liveliness; agility;
    Armed with light weapons or accouterments.
    1. The price paid for conveyance of goods on a lighter. 2. The act of unloading into a lighter, or of conveying by a lighter.
    1. An old tune of a dance, the name of which made it a proverbial expression of levity, especially in love matters. Nares. "Best sing it to the tune of light-o'-love." Shak. 2. Hence: A light or wanton woman. Beau. & Fl.
    Having a light, springy step; nimble in running or dancing; active; as, light-foot Iris. Tennyson.
    A tower or other building with a powerful light at top, erected at the entrance of a port, or at some important point on a coast, to serve as a guide to mariners at night; a pharos.
    Distant. More distantial from the eye. W. Montagu.
    Pine wood abounding in pitch, used for torches in the Southern United States; pine knots, dry sticks, and the like, for kindling a fire quickly or making a blaze.
    As much as a vessel will hold; enough to fill a vessel.
    Unsettled; unsteady; volatile; not considerate. -- Light"-mind`ed*ness, n.
    Such as can be lighted.
    The distance over which light can travel in a year's time; -- used as a unit in expressing stellar distances. It is more than 63,000 times as great as the distance from the earth to the sun.
    A small room from which the magazine of a naval vessel is lighted, being separated from the magazine by heavy glass windows.
    Quality of being exclusive.
    1. The work of framing, or the completed work; the frame or constructional part of anything; as, the framework of society. A staunch and solid piece of framework. Milton. 2. Work done in, or by means of, a frame or loom.
    In boxing, wrestling, etc., one weighingnot more than 133 pounds
    The quality or state of being slight; slenderness; feebleness; superficiality; also, formerly, negligence; indifference; disregard.
    To take apart, or destroy the frame of. Dryden.
    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    A very intense light, produced by turning two streams of gas, one oxygen and the other hydrogen, or coal gas, in a state of ignition, upon a ball of lime; or a stream of oxygen gas through a flame of alcohol upon a ball or disk of lime; -- called
    Void of delight. Thomson.
    Not subject to death; immortal. -- Un*dead"li*ness, n. Wyclif.
    To slight. B. Jonson.
    The calico bass. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who lights street lamps.
    A horizontal vane revolving over the surface of wort in a cooler, to produce a circular current in the liquor. Knight.
    The light of the sun. Milton.
    An apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant.
    In a slighting manner.
    Having sprigs.
    Rigged like a ship, that is, having three masts, each with square sails.


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