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Word Meanings - LIGHTSOME - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Having light; lighted; not dark or gloomy; bright. White walls make rooms more lightsome than black. Bacon. 2. Gay; airy; cheering; exhilarating. That lightsome affection of joy. Hooker. -- Light"some*ly, adv. -- Light"some*ness, n. Happiness

Additional info about word: LIGHTSOME

1. Having light; lighted; not dark or gloomy; bright. White walls make rooms more lightsome than black. Bacon. 2. Gay; airy; cheering; exhilarating. That lightsome affection of joy. Hooker. -- Light"some*ly, adv. -- Light"some*ness, n. Happiness may walk soberly in dark attire, as well as dance lightsomely in a gala dress. Hawthorne.

Related words: (words related to LIGHTSOME)

    The European redstart; -- so called from its white forehead. The whitethroat; -- so called from its gray head. The European tree sparrow. 2. A wave whose crest breaks into white foam, as when the wind is freshening.
    Having a white front; as, the white-fronted lemur. White- fronted goose , the white brant, or snow goose. See Snow goose, under Snow.
    Any one of numerous small injurious hemipterous insects of the genus Aleyrodes, allied to scale insects. They are usually covered with a white or gray powder.
    Sheltered in a haven. Blissful havened both from joy and pain. Keats.
    A bleacher of lines; a whitener; a whitster.
    A somewhat heart-shaped cherry with a whitish skin.
    The back and sides of a pig salted and smoked; formerly, the flesh of a pig salted or fresh. Bacon beetle , a beetle which, especially in the larval state, feeds upon bacon, woolens, furs, etc. See Dermestes. -- To save one's bacon, to save one's
    A harbor master.
    Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon, or to his system of philosophy. Baconian method, the inductive method. See Induction.
    The old English or Gothic letter, in which the Early English manuscripts were written, and the first English books were printed. It was conspicuous for its blackness. See Type.
    The golden-eye.
    See I
    Etym: 1. To make or render black. While the long funerals blacken all the way. Pope 2. To make dark; to darken; to cloud. "Blackened the whole heavens." South. 3. To defame; to sully, as reputation; to make infamous; as, vice blackens
    The wheatear.
    Nebraska; -- a nickname alluding to the dark color of the water of its rivers, due to the presence of a black vegetable mold in the soil.
    1. Imperfectly illuminated; dismal through obscurity or darkness; dusky; dim; clouded; as, the cavern was gloomy. "Though hid in gloomiest shade." Milton. 2. Affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy; dejected; as, a gloomy temper
    1. Having light; lighted; not dark or gloomy; bright. White walls make rooms more lightsome than black. Bacon. 2. Gay; airy; cheering; exhilarating. That lightsome affection of joy. Hooker. -- Light"some*ly, adv. -- Light"some*ness, n. Happiness
    An organization composed originally of Chinese rebels that had been driven into Tonkin by the suppression of the Taiping rebellion, but later increased by bands of pirates and adventurers. It took a prominent part in fighting the French during their
    Disease; morbid symptom; malady; as, a pulmonary affection. Dunglison. 7. The lively representation of any emotion. Wotton. 8. Affectation. "Spruce affection." Shak. 9. Passion; violent emotion. Most wretched man, That to affections
    To cheer up. Spenser.
    The quality or state of being slight; slenderness; feebleness; superficiality; also, formerly, negligence; indifference; disregard.
    licht, OHG. lioht, Goth. liuhap, Icel. lj, L. lux light, lucere to 1. That agent, force, or action in nature by the operation of which upon the organs of sight, objects are rendered visible or luminous. Note: Light was regarded formerly
    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    . A black pigment used in copperplate printing, prepared by burning vine twigs, the lees of wine, etc. McElrath.
    Designating a light and elegant style developed in England under George III., chiefly by Messrs. A.Heppelwhite & Co.
    A very intense light, produced by turning two streams of gas, one oxygen and the other hydrogen, or coal gas, in a state of ignition, upon a ball of lime; or a stream of oxygen gas through a flame of alcohol upon a ball or disk of lime; -- called


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