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Word Meanings - CITRINE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Like a citron or lemon; of a lemon color; greenish yellow. Citrine ointment , a yellowish mercurial ointment, the unquentum hydrargyri nitratis.

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    The morbid condition produced by the excessive use of mercury, or by exposure to its fumes, as in mining or smelting.
    A vender of paints, etc. Simmonds.
    A certain plant, probably the yellow oxeye. B. Jonson.
    A kind of grass, perhaps a species of Agrostis.
    A rock trout found on the coast of Alaska; -- called also striped fish, and Atka mackerel.
    That which serves to anoint; any soft unctuous substance used for smearing or anointing; an unguent. (more info) anoint, L. ungere, unguere; akin to Skr. a, and to G. anke (in Switzerland) butter. The first t in the E. word is due to the
    An oval or roundish fruit resembling the orange, and containing a pulp usually intensely acid. It is produced by a tropical tree of the genus Citrus,the common fruit known in commerce being that of the species C. Limonum or C. Medica . There are
    A yellow, pellucid variety of quartz.
    Colored. Ray.
    The quantitative determination of the depth of color of a substance. 2. A method of quantitative chemical analysis based upon the comparison of the depth of color of a solution with that of a standard liquid.
    Somewhat green; having a tinge of green; as, a greenish yellow. -- Green"ish*ness, n.
    1. A bright golden color, reflecting more light than any other except white; the color of that part of the spectrum which is between the orange and green. "A long motley coat guarded with yellow." Shak. 2. A yellow pigment. Cadmium yellow, Chrome
    1. To change or alter the bue or tint of, by dyeing, staining, painting, etc.; to dye; to tinge; to aint; to stain. The rays, to speak properly, are not colored; in them there is nothing else than a certain power and disposition to stir
    To affect with mercury.
    A fruit resembling a lemon, but larger, and pleasantly aromatic. The thick rind, when candied, is the citron of commerce. 2. A citron tree. 3. A citron melon. Citron melon. A small variety of muskmelon with sugary greenish flesh. A small variety
    The American scoter.
    A yellowish beetle , with ten longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very destructive to the potato plant; -- called also potato beetle and potato bug. See Potato beetle.
    Mercury telluride, an iron-black metallic mineral, found in Colorado.
    The wood of any one of several different kinds of trees; also, any one of the trees themselves. Among the trees so called are the Cladrastis tinctoria, an American leguminous tree; the several species of prickly ash ; the Australian Flindersia
    A common European finch . The color of the male is bright yellow on the breast, neck, and sides of the head, with the back yellow and brown, and the top of the head and the tail quills blackish. Called also yellow bunting, scribbling lark, and
    Of the same color; of uniform color. "Concolor animals." Sir T. Browne.
    Caused by the use of mercury; as, mercurial sore mouth. (more info) 1. Having the qualities fabled to belong to the god Mercury; swift; active; sprightly; fickle; volatile; changeable; as, a mercurial youth; a mercurial temperament. A mercurial
    A brownish yellow color. (more info) Spanish princess Isabella, daughter of king Philip II., in allusion to the color assumed by her shift, which she wore without change from
    1. The national French banner, of three colors, blue, white, and red, adopted at the first revolution. 2. Hence, any three-colored flag.
    Previous appointment.
    The act of anointing, or state of being anointed; also, an ointment. Milton.
    One who paints in water colors.
    To deprive of color; to bleach.
    Colored with different tints; variegated; as, a party-colored flower. "Parti-colored lambs." Shak.
    The exercise of the power of designating (under a "power of appointment") a person to enjoy an estate or other specific property; also, the instrument by which the designation is made. 6. Equipment, furniture, as for a ship or an army; whatever


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