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Word Meanings - MERCURIAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Caused by the use of mercury; as, mercurial sore mouth. (more info) 1. Having the qualities fabled to belong to the god Mercury; swift; active; sprightly; fickle; volatile; changeable; as, a mercurial youth; a mercurial temperament. A mercurial

Additional info about word: MERCURIAL

Caused by the use of mercury; as, mercurial sore mouth. (more info) 1. Having the qualities fabled to belong to the god Mercury; swift; active; sprightly; fickle; volatile; changeable; as, a mercurial youth; a mercurial temperament. A mercurial man Who fluttered over all things like a fan. Byron. 2. Having the form or image of Mercury; -- applied to ancient guideposts. Chillingworth. 3. Of or pertaining to Mercury as the god of trade; hence, money- making; crafty. The mercurial wand of commerce. J. Q. Adams. 4. Of or pertaining to, or containing, mercury; as, mercurial preparations, barometer. See Mercury, 2.

Related words: (words related to MERCURIAL)

    The morbid condition produced by the excessive use of mercury, or by exposure to its fumes, as in mining or smelting.
    Having a cause.
    Sheltered in a haven. Blissful havened both from joy and pain. Keats.
    A harbor master.
    1. Effective, as a cause or agent; causing. Causative in nature of a number of effects. Bacon. 2. Expressing a cause or reason; causal; as, the ablative is a causative case.
    Sprightlike, or spiritlike; lively; brisk; animated; vigorous; airy; gay; as, a sprightly youth; a sprightly air; a sprightly dance. "Sprightly wit and love inspires." Dryden. The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green. Pope.
    Caused by the use of mercury; as, mercurial sore mouth. (more info) 1. Having the qualities fabled to belong to the god Mercury; swift; active; sprightly; fickle; volatile; changeable; as, a mercurial youth; a mercurial temperament. A mercurial
    Having a raised way ; paved. Sir W. Scott. C. Bronté.
    A light cloth covering for the head and neck, used by soldiers as a protection from sunstroke.
    One who causes. Sir T. Browne.
    Quality or state of being volatile; disposition to evaporate; changeableness; fickleness. Syn. -- See Levity.
    1. The quality of being caustic; corrosiveness; as, the causticity of potash. 2. Severity of language; sarcasm; as, the causticity of a reply or remark.
  • HAVE
    haven, habben, AS. habben ; akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben, OFries, hebba, OHG. hab, G. haben, Icel. hafa, Sw. hafva, Dan. have, Goth. haban, and prob. to L. habere, whence F. 1. To hold in possession or control; to own; as, he has a farm. 2.
    The quality or state of being swift; speed; quickness; celerity; velocity; rapidity; as, the swiftness of a bird; the swiftness of a stream; swiftness of descent in a falling body; swiftness of thought, etc.
    Any one of numerous species of small East Indian and Asiatic swifts of the genus Collocalia. Some of the species are noted for furnishing the edible bird's nest. See Illust. under Edible.
    A rope used to retain the bars of the capstan in their sockets while men are turning it. A rope used to encircle a boat longitudinally, to strengthen and defend her sides. The forward shroud of a lower mast.
    1. As much as is usually put into the mouth at one time. 2. Hence, a small quantity.
    To affect with mercury.
    Harbor dues; port dues.
    In a causative manner.
    Acting of one's self or of itself; acting without depending on other agents.
    Producing, or converting into, chyle; having the power to form chyle.
    The quality or state of being ineffable or unutterable; unspeakableness.
    Tending to counteract.
    Fitted or designed to retroact; operating by returned action; affecting what is past; retrospective. Beddoes. Retroactive law or statute , one which operates to make criminal or punishable, or in any way expressly to affect, acts done prior to
    1. Tending to detractor draw. 2. Tending to lower in estimation; depreciative.
    Serving or having power to refract, or turn from a direct course; pertaining to refraction; as, refractive surfaces; refractive powers. Refractive index. See Index of refraction, under Index. -- Absolute refractive index , the index of refraction
    Having a loud voice; talking or sounding noisily; noisily impudent.
    To behave ill; to conduct one's self improperly; -- often used with a reciprocal pronoun.


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