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Word Meanings - VEXINGLY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In a vexing manner; so as to vex, tease, or irritate. Tatler.

Related words: (words related to VEXINGLY)

    A jager gull. (more info) 1. One who teases or vexes.
    Of or pertaining to the vexillum, or upper petal of papilionaceous flowers. Vexilary æstivation , a mode of æstivation in which one large upper petal folds over, and covers, the other smaller petals, as in most papilionaceous plants. (more info)
    In a vexing manner; so as to vex, tease, or irritate. Tatler.
    To tear or separate into minute shreds, as with needles or similar instruments. 4. To vex with importunity or impertinence; to harass, annoy, disturb, or irritate by petty requests, or by jests and raillery; to plague. Cowper. He . . . suffered
    The upper petal of a papilionaceous flower; the standard. (more info) A flag or standard. A company of troops serving under one standard. A banner. The sign of the cross.
    A company of troops under one vexillum.
    One addicted to mannerism; a person who, in action, bearing, or treatment, carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. See citation under Mannerism.
    1. Annoyed; harassed; troubled. 2. Much debated or contested; causing discussion; as, a vexed question.
    To render null and void. Abp. Bramhall.
    Adherence to a peculiar style or manner; a characteristic mode of action, bearing, or treatment, carried to excess, especially in literature or art. Mannerism is pardonable,and is sometimes even agreeable, when the manner, though vicious, is natural
    The cutting and gathering of teasels; the use of teasels.
    A standard bearer. Tennyson.
  • VEX
    vexer, L. vexare, vexatum, to vex, originally, to shake, toss, in 1. To to White curl the waves, and the vexed ocean roars. Pope. 2. To make angry or annoyed by little provocations; to irritate; to plague; to torment; to harass; to afflict; to
    A plant of the genus Dipsacus, of which one species (D. fullonum) bears a large flower head covered with stiff, prickly, hooked bracts. This flower head, when dried, is used for raising a nap on woolen cloth. Note: Small teasel is Dipsacus pilosus,
    The quality or state of being mannerly; civility; complaisance. Sir M. Hale.
    A vexillum.
    1. Having a certain way, esp a. polite way, of carrying and conducting one's self. Give her princely training, that she may be Mannered as she is born. Shak. 2. Affected with mannerism; marked by excess of some characteristic peculiarity. His style
    1. Causing vexation; agitating; afflictive; annoying; as, a vexatious controversy; a vexatious neighbor. "Continual vexatious wars." South. 2. Full or vexation, trouble, or disquiet; disturbed. He leads a vexatious life. Sir K. Digby. Vexatious
    1. The act of vexing, or the state of being vexed; agitation; disquiet; trouble; irritation. Passions too violent . . . afford us nothing but vexation and pain. Sir W. Temple. Those who saw him after a defeat looked in vain for any trace
    Not mannerly; ill-bred; rude. -- adv.
    Made convex; protuberant in a spherical form. Sir T. Browne.
    Rising or swelling into a spherical or rounded form; regularly protuberant or bulging; -- said of a spherical surface or curved line when viewed from without, in opposition to concave. Drops of water naturally form themselves into figures with a
    Convex on one side, and flat on the other; plano-convex.
    Great advance in age.
    To produce counter irritation in; to treat with one morbid process for the purpose of curing another.
    In an excessive manner; excessively. Wiclif.


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