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Word Meanings - REPTILIAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Belonging to the reptiles. Reptilian age , that part of geological time comprising the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, and distinguished as that era in which the class of reptiles attained its highest expansion; -- called

Additional info about word: REPTILIAN

Belonging to the reptiles. Reptilian age , that part of geological time comprising the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, and distinguished as that era in which the class of reptiles attained its highest expansion; -- called also the Secondary or Mezozoic age.

Related words: (words related to REPTILIAN)

    Characterizing a class or classes; relating to classification.
    The great band commissural fibers which unites the two cerebral hemispheres. See corpus callosum, under Carpus.
    1. Destitute of feathers; naked; unfledged. An in the leafy summit, spied a nest, Which, o'er the callow young, a sparrow pressed. Dryden. 2. Immature; boyish; "green"; as, a callow youth. I perceive by this, thou art but a callow maid. Old Play .
    A kind of head covering; a caul. Chaucer.
    Pertaining to classification; admitting of classification. "A classificatory system." Earle.
    Belonging to the reptiles. Reptilian age , that part of geological time comprising the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, and distinguished as that era in which the class of reptiles attained its highest expansion; -- called
    A classic idiom or expression; a classicalism. C. Kingsley.
    atteindre, fr. L. attingere; ad + tangere to touch, reach. See 1. To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end without the means Abp. Tillotson. 3. To get
    An ecclesiastical body or judicat (more info) 1. A class or order; sort; kind. His opinion of that classis of men. Clarendon.
    Of the age of the middle Mesozoic, including, as divided in England and Europe, the Lias, Oölite, and Wealden; -- named from certain rocks of the Jura mountains. -- n.
    Of, pertaining to, or designating, the period of time following the Jurassic and preceding the Eocene.
    One who is in the same class with another, as at school or college.
  • CALL
    callen, AS. ceallin; akin to Icel & Sw. kalla, Dan. kalde, D. kallen 1. To command or request to come or be present; to summon; as, to call a servant. Call hither Clifford; bid him come amain Shak. 2. To summon to the discharge of a particular
    Attainder is often erroneously referred to F. teindre tie stain. See 1. The act of attainting, or the state of being attainted; the extinction of the civil rights and capacities of a person, consequent upon sentence of death or outlawry; as, an
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    The Muse that presides over eloquence and heroic poetry; mother of Orpheus, and chief of the nine Muses. (more info) beautiful) +
    A plant coif or skullcap. Same as Calotte. B. Jonson.
    Of or pertaining to calligraphy. Excellence in the calligraphic act. T. Warton.
    Furnished with protuberant or hardened spots.
    Of the age of, or pertaining to, the Trias. -- n.
    To distinguish by a contrast of opposite qualities. These are our complex ideas of soul and body, as contradistinguished. Locke.
    In a gymnastic manner.
    In a hypercritical manner.
    Not empirically; without experiment or experience.
    A kind of small onion , native of Palestine; the eschalot, or shallot. 2. Any onion which does not "bottom out," but remains with a thick stem like a leek. Amer. Cyc.
    Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the flagship was indisguishable; the two copies were indisguishable in form
    In a univocal manner; in one term; in one sense; not equivocally. How is sin univocally distinguished into venial and mortal, if the venial be not sin Bp. Hall.
    1. By way of parable; in a parabolic manner. 2. In the form of a parabola.
    In a stereographical manner; by delineation on a plane.
    A genus of plants, some species of which are cultivated for their beautiful flowers; day lily.
    In an acronycal manner as rising at the setting of the sun, and vise versâ.
    In a physiological manner.
    In a diametrical manner; directly; as, diametrically opposite. Whose principles were diametrically opposed to his. Macaulay.


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