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Word Meanings - REPEALER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who repeals; one who seeks a repeal; specifically, an advocate for the repeal of the Articles of Union between Great Britain and Ireland.

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    The quality or state of being repealable.
    1. High-spirited; fearless. Clarendon. 2. Generous; magnanimous; noble.
    The father of one's grandfather or grandmother.
    advocatus, one summoned or called to another; properly the p. p. of advocare to call to, call to one's aid; ad + vocare to call. See 1. One who pleads the cause of another. Specifically: One who pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or
    Of or pertaining to union or unionists; tending to promote or preserve union.
    In a specific manner.
    A son of one's grandson or granddaughter.
    The quality of being greathearted; high-mindedness; magnanimity.
    re- re- + OF. apeler, F. appeler, to call, L. appellare. See Appeal, 1. To recall; to summon again, as persons. The banished Bolingbroke repeals himself, And with uplifted arms is safe arrived. Shak. 2. To recall, as a deed, will, law, or statute;
    The mother of one's grandfather or grandmother.
    1. In a great degree; much. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow. Gen. iii. 16. 2. Nobly; illustriously; magnanimously. By a high fate thou greatly didst expire. Dryden.
    A daughter of one's grandson or granddaughter.
    The child of one's grandson or granddaughter.
    1. The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc. 2. Pride; haughtiness. It is not of pride or greatness that he cometh not aboard your ships. Bacon.
    great, AS. gret; akin to OS. & LG. grt, D. groot, OHG. grz, G. gross. 1. Large in space; of much size; big; immense; enormous; expanded; -- opposed to small and little; as, a great house, ship, farm, plain, distance, length. 2. Large in number;
    Broadway, in New York City, in the neighborhood chiefly occupied by theaters, as from about 30th Street about 50th Street; -- so called from its brilliant illumination at night.
    Capable of being repealed. -- Re*peal"a*ble*ness, n. Syn. -- Revocable; abrogable; voidable; reversible.
    betweónum; prefix be- by + a form fr. AS. twa two, akin to Goth. 1. In the space which separates; betwixt; as, New York is between Boston and Philadelphia. 2. Used in expressing motion from one body or place to another; from one to another of
    One who repeals; one who seeks a repeal; specifically, an advocate for the repeal of the Articles of Union between Great Britain and Ireland.
    Recall, as from banishment.
    Mutual communion; as, an intercommunion of deities. Faber.
    To make great; to enlarge; to magnify. Fotherby.
    1. A second union; union formed anew after separation, secession, or discord; as, a reunion of parts or particles of matter; a reunion of parties or sects. 2. An assembling of persons who have been separated, as of a family, or the members of a
    Not repealable; not capable of being repealed or revoked, as a law. -- Ir`re*peal"a*ble*ness, n. -- Ir`re*peal"a*bly, adv.
    One who does not belong, or refuses to belong, to a trades union.
    . A shutting out from communion; excommunication. Excommunication is the utmost of ecclesiastical judicature. Milton.
    1. Not belonging to, or affiliated with, a trades union; as, a nonunoin carpenter. 2. Not recognizing or favoring trades unions or trades-unionists; as, a nonunion contractor. --Non*un"ion*ism , n.
    An advocate of disunion, specifically, of disunion of the United States.
    1. The termination of union; separation; disjunction; as, the disunion of the body and the soul. 2. A breach of concord and its effect; alienation. Such a disunion between the two houses as might much clouClarendon. 3. The termination or disruption
    The concluding portion of the communion service.


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