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Word Meanings - PROXIMATELY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In a proximate manner, position, or degree; immediately.

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    In a proximate manner, position, or degree; immediately.
    One addicted to mannerism; a person who, in action, bearing, or treatment, carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. See citation under Mannerism.
    Adherence to a peculiar style or manner; a characteristic mode of action, bearing, or treatment, carried to excess, especially in literature or art. Mannerism is pardonable,and is sometimes even agreeable, when the manner, though vicious, is natural
    Nearest; next immediately preceding or following. "Proximate ancestors." J. S. Harford. The proximate natural causes of it . T. Burnet. Proximate analysis , an analysis which determines the proximate principles of any substance, as contrasted
    1. In an immediate manner; without intervention of any other person or thing; proximately; directly; -- opposed to mediately; as, immediately contiguous. God's acceptance of it either immediately by himself, or mediately by the hands of the bishop.
    A certain distance or remove in the line of descent, determining the proximity of blood; one remove in the chain of relationship; as, a relation in the third or fourth degree. In the 11th century an opinion began to gain ground in Italy, that third
    A method of solving a problem by one or two suppositions; -- called also the rule of trial and error. Angle of position , the angle which any line makes with another fixed line, specifically with a circle of declination. -- Double position ,
    Of or pertaining to position. Ascribing unto plants positional operations. Sir T. Browne.
    The quality or state of being mannerly; civility; complaisance. Sir M. Hale.
    1. Having a certain way, esp a. polite way, of carrying and conducting one's self. Give her princely training, that she may be Mannered as she is born. Shak. 2. Affected with mannerism; marked by excess of some characteristic peculiarity. His style
    manual, skillful, handy, fr. LL. manarius, for L. manuarius 1. Mode of action; way of performing or effecting anything; method; style; form; fashion. The nations which thou hast removed, and placed in the cities of Samaria, know not the manner
    A German men's chorus or singing club.
    Showing good manners; civil; respectful; complaisant. What thou thinkest meet, and is most mannerly. Shak.
    The state of two nouns or pronouns, put in the same case, without a connecting word between them; as, I admire Cicero, the orator. Here, the second noun explains or characterizes the first. Growth by apposition , a mode of growth characteristic
    Not mannerly; ill-bred; rude. -- adv.
    One who belongs to the opposition party. Praed.
    1. The act of exposing or laying open; a setting out or displaying to public view. 2. The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation; interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or
    1. The act or process of resolving the constituent parts of a compound body or substance into its elementary parts; separation into constituent part; analysis; the decay or dissolution consequent on the removal or alteration of some of
    The act of setting aside, or of giving up. Jer. Taylor.
    The act of placing in a circle, or round about, or the state of being so placed. Evelyn.
    The placing of a before another, which, by ordinary rules, ought to follow it.
    1. The act of presupposing; an antecedent implication; presumption. 2. That which is presupposed; a previous supposition or surmise.
    The act of laying down one's testimony in writing; also, testimony laid or taken down in writting, under oath or affirmation, befor some competent officer, and in reply to interrogatories and cross-interrogatories. Syn. -- Deposition, Affidavit.
    Wrong exposition.
    insertion, fr. interponere, interpositum: cf. F. interposition. See 1. The act of interposing, or the state of being interposed; a being, placing, or coming between; mediation. 2. The thing interposed.
    A wrong position.
    1. The act of placing after, or the state of being placed after. "The postposition of the nominative case to the verb." Mede. 2. A word or particle placed after, or at the end of, another word; - - distinguished from preposition.
    The act of superposing, or the state of being superposed; as, the superposition of rocks; the superposition of one plane figure on another, in geometry.
    Of or pertaining to postposition.
    1. The state of being indisposed; disinclination; as, the indisposition of two substances to combine. A general indisposition towards believing. Atterbury. 2. A slight disorder or illness. Rather as an indisposition in health than as


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