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Word Meanings - PRAYER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who prays; a supplicant.

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    1. The act or quality of being instant or pressing; urgency; solicitation; application; suggestion; motion. Undertook at her instance to restore them. Sir W. Scott. 2. That which is instant or urgent; motive. The instances that second marriage
    One who makes an appeal.
    appellare to approach, address, invoke, summon, call, name; akin to appellere to drive to; ad + pellere to drive. See Pulse, and cf. To make application for the removal of from an inferior to a superior judge or court for a rehearing or review
    1. Treatment; reception; entertainment. B. Jonson. 2. The act of entreating or beseeching; urgent prayer; earnest petition; pressing solicitation. Fair entreaty, and sweet blandishment. Spenser. Syn. -- Solicitation; request; suit; supplication;
    By way of begging the question; by an assumption. Sir T. Browne.
    Cowardly; fainthearted; spiritless. "His craven heart." Shak. The poor craven bridegroom said never a word. Sir. W. Scott. In craven fear of the sarcasm of Dorset. Macualay. (more info) struck down, p. p. of cravanter, crevanter, to break, crush,
    A religious solemnity observed in consequence of some military success, and also, in times of distress and danger, to avert the anger of the gods. Syn. -- Entreaty; petition; solicitation; craving. (more info) 1. The act of supplicating; humble
    A person cited to answer, or defend against, a petition.
    Given to prayer; praying much or often; devotional. "The prayerful man." J. S. Blackie. -- Prayer"ful*ly, adv. -- Prayer"ful*ness, n.
    1. Capable of being appealed against; that may be removed to a higher tribunal for decision; as, the cause is appealable. 2. That may be accused or called to answer by appeal; as, a criminal is appealable for manslaughter.
    1. A prayer; a supplication; an imploration; an entreaty; especially, a request of a solemn or formal kind; a prayer to the Supreme Being, or to a person of superior power, rank, or authority; also, a single clause in such a prayer. A house of
    That appeals; imploring. -- Ap*peal"*ing*ly, adv. -- Ap*peal"ing*ness, n.
    Wearing a cravat. The young men faultlessly appointed, handsomely cravatted. Thackeray.
    One who craves or begs.
    1. Supplicatory; making a petition. Pardon Rome, and any petitionary countrymen. Shak. 2. Containing a petition; of the nature of a petition; as, a petitionary epistle. Swift.
    The act of presenting apetition; a supplication.
    Etym: 1. To ask with earnestness or importunity; to ask with submission or humility; to beg; to entreat; to beseech; to implore. I crave your honor's pardon. Shak. Joseph . . . went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus. Mark xv.
    1. The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense; as, the application of emollients to a diseased limb. 2. The thing applied. He invented a new application by which blood might be stanched. Johnson. 3. The act of applying as a means; the
    LL. requesta, for requisita, fr. L. requirere, requisitum, to seek 1. The act of asking for anything desired; expression of desire or demand; solicitation; prayer; petition; entreaty. I will marry her, sir, at your request. Shak. 2. That which
    One who presents a petition.
    The act of reapplying, or the state of being reapplied.
    The prayer for the souls of benefactors, said before the sermon.
    Of the nature of, or containing, repetition.
    One who repeats.
    The act of repeating, singing, (more info) 1. The act of repeating; a doing or saying again; iteration. I need not be barren of accusations; he hath faults, with surplus to tire in repetition. Shak. 2. Recital from memory; rehearsal.


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