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Word Meanings - POSTERO - Book Publishers vocabulary database

- (posterior, back; as, postero-inferior, situated back and below; postero-lateral, situated back and at the side.

Related words: (words related to POSTERO)

    In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part.
    Lying at, or extending toward, the side; away from the mesial plane; external; -- opposed to mesial. 3. Directed to the side; as, a lateral view of a thing. Lateral cleavage , cleavage parallel to the lateral planes. -- Lateral equation
    By the side; sidewise; toward, or from, the side.
    - (posterior, back; as, postero-inferior, situated back and below; postero-lateral, situated back and at the side.
    To place. Landor.
    The state of being inferior; a lower state or condition; as, inferiority of rank, of talents, of age, of worth. A deep sense of our own great inferiority. Boyle.
    1. Having a site, situation, or location; being in a relative position; permanently fixed; placed; located; as, a town situated, or situate, on a hill or on the seashore. 2. Placed; residing. Pleasure situate in hill and dale. Milton. Note: Situate
    Subsequently in time; also, behind in position.
    The state or condition of being lateral.
    1. Under, or lower in place; beneath not so high; as, below the moon; below the knee. Shak. 2. Inferior to in rank, excellence, dignity, value, amount, price, etc.; lower in quality. "One degree below kings." Addison. 3. Unworthy of; unbefitting;
    Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior officer. Inferior court , a court subject to the jurisdiction of another court known as the superior, or higher, court. -- Inferior letter, Inferior figure , a small letter or figure standing at the
    To treat as a lout; to talk abusively to. Camden.
    The state of being later or subsequent; as, posteriority of time, or of an event; -- opposed to priority.
    The hinder parts, as of an animal's body. Swift.
    1. Manner in which an object is placed; location, esp. as related to something else; position; locality site; as, a house in a pleasant situation. 2. Position, as regards the conditions and circumstances of the case. A situation of the greatest
    At or toward the caudal extremity; caudal; -- in human anatomy often used for dorsal. (more info) 1. Later in time; hence, later in the order of proceeding or moving; coming after; -- opposed to prior. Hesiod was posterior to Homer. Broome. 2.
    1. Side by side; by the side. These pulleys . . . placed collaterally. Bp. Wilkins. 2. In an indirect or subordinate manner; indirectly. The will hath force upon the conscience collaterally and indirectly. Jer. Taylor. 3. In collateral relation;
    A plaited or gathered flounce on a woman's garment.
    Having four sides, and consequently four angles; quadrangular.
    Having all the sides equal; as, an equilateral triangle; an equilateral polygon. Equilateral hyperbola , one whose axes are equal. -- Equilateral shell , one in which a transverse line drawn through the apex of the umbo bisects the valve,
    Having seven sides; as, a septilateral figure.
    State of being bilateral.
    Having the two ends unequal, as in the clam, quahaug, and most lamellibranch shells. (more info) 1. Having unequal sides; unsymmetrical; unequal-sided.


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