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Word Meanings - PASSPORT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

port or to sail into it; passer to pass + port a port, harbor. See 1. Permission to pass; a document given by the competent officer of a state, permitting the person therein named to pass or travel from place to place, without molestation, by land

Additional info about word: PASSPORT

port or to sail into it; passer to pass + port a port, harbor. See 1. Permission to pass; a document given by the competent officer of a state, permitting the person therein named to pass or travel from place to place, without molestation, by land or by water. Caution in granting passports to Ireland. Clarendon. 2. A document carried by neutral merchant vessels in time of war, to certify their nationality and protect them from belligerents; a sea letter. 3. A license granted in time of war for the removal of persons and effects from a hostile country; a safe-conduct. Burrill. 4. Figuratively: Anything which secures advancement and general acceptance. Sir P. Sidney. His passport is his innocence and grace. Dryden.

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    1. To consent to; to allow or suffer to be done; to tolerate; to put up with. What things God doth neither command nor forbid . . . he permitteth with approbation either to be done or left undone. Hooker. 2. To grant express license or liberty
    One who permits. A permitter, or not a hinderer, of sin. J. Edwards.
    The act of giving possession of a copyhold estate. Bouvier. Syn. -- Admission; access; entrance; initiation. -- Admittance, Admission. These words are, to some extent, in a state of transition and change. Admittance is now chiefly confined to its
    One to whom a permission or permit is given.
    See CHILDREN (more info) law against or in favor of an individual; privus private + lex, 1. A peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity not enjoyed by others or by all; special enjoyment
    Invested with a privilege; enjoying a peculiar right, advantage, or immunity. Privileged communication. A communication which can not be disclosed without the consent of the party making it, -- such as those made by a client to his
    port or to sail into it; passer to pass + port a port, harbor. See 1. Permission to pass; a document given by the competent officer of a state, permitting the person therein named to pass or travel from place to place, without molestation, by land
    The act of permitting; allowance; permission; leave. Milton.
    One who welcomes; one who salutes, or receives kindly, a newcomer. Shak.
    1. The act of introducing, or bringing to notice. 2. The act of formally making persons known to each other; a presentation or making known of one person to another by name; as, the introduction of one stranger to another. 3. That part of a book
    In a welcome manner.
    1. The act of receiving; receipt; admission; as, the reception of food into the stomach; the reception of a letter; the reception of sensation or ideas; reception of evidence. 2. The state of being received. 3. The act or manner of receiving, esp.
    welcome guest, from wil-, as a prefix, akin to willa will + cuma a comer, fr. cuman to come; hence, properly, one who comes so as to please another's will; cf. Icel. velkominn welcome, G. willkommen. 1. Received with gladness; admitted willingly
    The quality or state of being welcome; gratefulness; agreeableness; kind reception.
    The act of entrancing, or the state of trance or ecstasy. Otway.
    An agreeing to the action of another, by some act which binds the person in law. Note: What acts shall amount to such an acceptance is often a question of great nicety and difficulty. Mozley & W. Note: In modern law, proposal and acceptance are
    1. The act of entering or going into; ingress; as, the entrance of a person into a house or an apartment; hence, the act of taking possession, as of property, or of office; as, the entrance of an heir upon his inheritance, or of a magistrate into
    The advantage of using water as a mechanical power; also, the place where water is, or may be, so used. See under Privilege.
    Allowance to enter again; a second admission.
    To deprive of a privilege or privileges.
    The act of admitting into or within. Hammond.
    The act entereing again; re Hooker.
    To awaken from a trance or an enchantment. Hudibras.
    A neglect or refusal to accept.


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