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Word Meanings - OUTSHOOT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To exceed or excel in shooting; to shoot beyond. Bacon. Men are resolved never to outshoot their forefathers' mark. Norris.

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    More than usual; extraordinary; more than sufficient; measureless. "The exceeding riches of his grace." Eph. ii. 7. -- Ex*ceed"ing*ness, n. Sir P. Sidney.
    1. To take or leave out from a number or a whole as not belonging to it; to exclude; to omit. Who never touched The excepted tree. Milton. Wherein all other things concurred. Bp. Stillingfleet. 2. To object to; to protest against. Shak.
    The back and sides of a pig salted and smoked; formerly, the flesh of a pig salted or fresh. Bacon beetle , a beetle which, especially in the larval state, feeds upon bacon, woolens, furs, etc. See Dermestes. -- To save one's bacon, to save one's
    Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon, or to his system of philosophy. Baconian method, the inductive method. See Induction.
    Not the less; notwithstanding; in spite of that; yet. No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Heb. xii. 11. Syn. -- However; at least; yet; still.
    To exceed or excel in shooting; to shoot beyond. Bacon. Men are resolved never to outshoot their forefathers' mark. Norris.
    One who takes exceptions or makes objections. Milton.
    1. The act of one who, or that which, shoots; as, the shooting of an archery club; the shooting of rays of light. 2. A wounding or killing with a firearm; specifically , the killing of game; as, a week of shooting. 3. A sensation of darting pain;
    Having power to resolve; causing solution; solvent.
    Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare; hence, better than the average; superior. Lyell. This particular spot had exceptional advantages. Jowett -- Ex*cep"tion*al*ly , adv.
    1. On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than. Beyond that flaming hill. G. Fletcher. 2. At a place or time not yet reached; before. A thing beyond us, even before our death. Pope. 3. Past, out of the reach or
    Connected with, or pertaining to, excretion.
    . Same as Eccentricity.
    Making exception.
    One-sided; having the normally central portion not in the true center. Gray. (more info) 1. Same as Eccentric, Eccentrical.
    To blind. Cockeram.
    Having a fixed purpose; determined; resolute; -- usually placed after its noun; as, a man resolved to be rich. That makes him a resolved enemy. Jer. Taylor. I am resolved she shall not settle here. Fielding.
    An inclined plane, either artificial or natural, down which timber, coal, etc., are caused to slide; also, a narrow passage, either natural or artificial, in a stream, where the water rushes rapidly; esp., a channel, having a swift current,
    Not exceptional; usual. My general and exceptless rashness. Shak.
    At whatever time. "Whenever that shall be." Milton.
    1. To shoot over or beyond. "Not to overshoot his game." South. 2. To pass swiftly over; to fly beyond. Hartle. 3. To exceed; as, to overshoot the truth. Cowper. To overshoot one's self, to venture too far; to assert too much.
    Shooting at pigeons liberated, or glass balls or clay pigeons sprung into the air, from a trap. -- Trap shooter.
    The quality of being irresolvable; irresolvableness.
    To resolve beforehand; to predetermine. Sir E. Dering.


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