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Word Meanings - NAG - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A small horse; a pony; hence, any horse. 2. A paramour; -- in contempt. Shak.

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    Etym: 1. To argue; to debate; to dispute. 2. To dispute angrily; to quarrel peevishly and noisily; to brawl; to altercate. "In spite of occasional wranglings." Macaulay. For a score of kingdoms you should wrangle. Shak. He did not know what it
    Engaged in a quarrel; apt or disposed to quarrel; as, quarreling factions; a quarreling mood. -- Quar"rel*ing*ly, adv.
    A female prater or babbler.
    Quarrelsome. Shak.
    Jangling. Chaucer.
    1. To contend for superiority in an unseemly maner; to scuffle; to struggle; to wrangle; to quarrel. 2. To debate peevishly; to dispute. The sense of these propositions is very plain, though logicians might squabble a whole day whether they should
    1. An angry disputant; one who disputes with heat or peevishness. "Noisy and contentious wranglers." I. Watts. 2. One of those who stand in the first rank of honors in the University of Cambridge, England. They are called, according to their rank,
    One who disputes, or who is given to disputes; a controvertist. Where is the disputer of this world 1 Cor. i. 20.
    Apt or disposed to quarrel; given to brawls and contention; easily irritated or provoked to contest; irascible; choleric. Syn. -- Pugnacious; irritable; irascible; brawling; choleric; fiery; petulant. -- Quar"rel*some*ly, adv. -- Quar"rel*some*ness,
    One who squabbles; a contentious person; a brawler.
    Contention. Spenser.
    Contentious; quarrelsome. Halliwell.
    Any small square or quadrangular member; as: A square of glass, esp. when set diagonally. A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps, etc., make the form nearly square. A square or lozenge-shaped paving tile. 3. A glazier's
    The honor or position of being a wrangler at the University of Cambridge, England.
    One who bickers.
    A little quarrel. See 1st Quarrel, 2. "Quarrelets of pearl ." Herrick.
    To contend in argument; to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another; to discuss; to reason; to debate; to altercate; to wrangle. (more info) from L. disputare, disputatum; dis- + putare to clean; hence, fig.,
    or German origin; cf. D. jangelen, janken, to whimper, chide, brawl, 1. To sound harshly or discordantly, as bells out of tune. 2. To talk idly; to prate; to babble; to chatter; to gossip. "Thou janglest as a jay." Chaucer. 3. To quarrel in words;
    A small wooden vessel made of staves and hoops, like a tub.
    Admitting no dispute; incontrovertible. Bailey.


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