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Word Meanings - MINISTRY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act of ministering; ministration; service. "With tender ministry." Thomson. 2. Hence: Agency; instrumentality. The ordinary ministry of second causes. Atterbury. The wicked ministry of arms. Dryden. 3. The office, duties, or functions of

Additional info about word: MINISTRY

1. The act of ministering; ministration; service. "With tender ministry." Thomson. 2. Hence: Agency; instrumentality. The ordinary ministry of second causes. Atterbury. The wicked ministry of arms. Dryden. 3. The office, duties, or functions of a minister, servant, or agent; ecclesiastical, executive, or ambassadorial function or profession. 4. The body of ministers of state; also, the clergy, as a body. 5. Administration; rule; term in power; as, the ministry of Pitt.

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    1. The act of obeying, or the state of being obedient; compliance with that which is required by authority; subjection to rightful restraint or control. Government must compel the obedience of individuals. Ames. 2. Words or actions denoting
    1. The act or process of negotiating; a treating with another respecting sale or purchase. etc. 2. Hence, mercantile business; trading. Who had lost, with these prizes, forty thousand pounds, after twenty years' negotiation in the East Indies.
    The act of bringing to notice, either actually or constructively, in such manner as is prescribed by law; as, the service of a subpoena or an attachment. (more info) 1. The act of serving; the occupation of a servant; the performance of labor for
    1. Doing service; promoting happiness, interest, advantage, or any good; useful to any end; adapted to any good end use; beneficial; advantageous. "Serviceable to religion and learning". Atterbury. "Serviceable tools." Macaulay. I know thee well,
    A name given to several trees and shrubs of the genus Pyrus, as Pyrus domestica and P. torminalis of Europe, the various species of mountain ash or rowan tree, and the American shad bush (see Shad bush, under Shad). They have clusters of small,
    An agreement by which parties engage to submit any matter of controversy between them to the decision of arbitrators. Wharton (Law Dict.). Bouvier. (more info) 1. The act of submitting; the act of yielding to power or authority; surrender of the
    ambasciata, fr. ambasciare for ambactiare to go on a mission, fr. L. ambactus vassal, dependent, of Celtic or German origin; cf. W. amaeth husbandman, Goth. andbahts servant, G. amt office, OHG. ambaht. Cf. 1. The public function of an ambassador;
    Implying representation; representative.
    The state, office, or functions of an ambassador.
    Servitude. Fairfax.
    A right whereby one thing is subject to another thing or person for use or convenience, contrary to the common right. Note: The object of a servitude is either to suffer something to be done by another, or to omit to do something, with respect to
    1. The act of representing, in any sense of the verb. 2. That which represents. Specifically: A likeness, a picture, or a model; as, a representation of the human face, or figure, and the like. A dramatic performance; as, a theatrical
    The office of a minister. Swift.
    The uniform prescribed in regulations for active or routine service, in distinction from dress, full dress, etc. In the United States army it is of olive-drab woolen or khaki-colored cotton, with all metal attachments of dull-finish bronze, with
    A cap or hat worn by officers or enlisted men when full-dress uniform, or dress uniform, is not worn. In the United States army the service cap is round, about 3½ inches high, flat-topped, with a visor. The service hat is of soft felt of khaki
    1. The act or art of managing; the manner of treating, directing, carrying on, or using, for a purpose; conduct; administration; guidance; control; as, the management of a family or of a farm; the management of state affairs. "The management of
    1. The act or faculty of contriving, inventing, devising, or planning. The machine which we are inspecting demonstrates, by its construction, contrivance and design. Contrivance must have had a contriver. Paley. 2. The thing contrived, invented,
    The act of prevailing over another by arts, address, or fraud; deception; fraud; imposture; delusion. A school in which he learns sly circumvention. Cowper.
    1. The art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations , including the methods and forms usually employed. 2. Dexterity or skill in securing advantages; tact. 3. The body of ministers or envoys resident at a court; the diplomatic body.
    1. The act of subordinating, placing in a lower order, or subjecting. 2. The quality or state of being subordinate or inferior to an other; inferiority of rank or dignity; subjection. Natural creature having a local subordination. Holyday. 3. Place
    The quality of being insubordinate; disobedience to lawful authority.
    A corporation, such as a railroad company, lighting company, water company, etc., organized or chartered to follow a public calling or to render services more or less essential to the general public convenience or safety.
    The condition of a bond servant; sevice without wages; slavery. Their children . . . upon those did Solomon levy a tribute of bond service. 1 Kings ix. 21.
    Disobedience. Wyclif. Chaucer.
    Neglect of duty; idleness; indolence. Massinger.
    Want of submission; failure or refusal to submit.
    Neglect or refusal to obey; violation of a command or prohibition. He is undutiful to him other actions, and lives in open disobedience. Tillotson.
    Wrong or bad management; as, he failed through mismagement.
    Neglect of obedience; failure to obey.
    Untrue representation; false or incorrect statement or account; -- usually unfavorable to the thing represented; as, a misrepresentation of a person's motives. Sydney Smith. Note: In popular use, this word often conveys the idea of intentional
    Overofficious; doing more than is required or desired. "A superserviceable, finical rogue." Shak.
    A tenure of lands held by knights on condition of performing military service. See Chivalry, n., 4.
    Disobedience. Wyclif.


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