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Word Meanings - MANIA - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity. Cf. Delirium. 2. Excessive or unreasonable desire; insane passion affecting one or many people; as, the tulip mania. Mania a potu Etym: , madness from drinking; delirium tremens. Syn. -- Insanity;

Additional info about word: MANIA

1. Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity. Cf. Delirium. 2. Excessive or unreasonable desire; insane passion affecting one or many people; as, the tulip mania. Mania a potu Etym: , madness from drinking; delirium tremens. Syn. -- Insanity; derangement; madness; lunacy; alienation; aberration; delirium; frenzy. See Insanity.

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    1. The feeling excited by that which is unworthy, base, or disgraceful; anger mingled with contempt, disgust, or abhorrence. Shak. Indignation expresses a strong and elevated disapprobation of mind, which is also inspired by something flagitious
    Raving with madness; raging with disordered intellect; affected with mania; mad.
    1. One who, or that which, ravens or plunders. Gower. 2. A bird of prey, as the owl or vulture. Holland.
    One who ravishes .
    The act of deranging or putting out of order, or the state of being deranged; disarrangement; disorder; confusion; especially, mental disorder; insanity. Syn. -- Disorder; confusion; embarrassment; irregularity; disturbance; insanity;
    1. Devouring with rapacious eagerness; furiously voracious; hungry even to rage; as, a ravenous wolf or vulture. 2. Eager for prey or gratification; as, a ravenous appetite or desire. -- Rav"en*ous*ly, adv. -- Rav"en*ous*ness, n.
    A detached work with two embankments with make a salient angle. It is raised before the curtain on the counterscarp of the place. Formerly called demilune and half-moon.
    nave of a wheel + gar spear, and therefore meaning properly and 1. A carpenter's tool for boring holes larger than those bored by a gimlet. It has a handle placed crosswise by which it is turned with both hands. A pod auger is one with a straight
    Savage wildness or fierceness; fury; cruelty; as, ferocity of countenance. The pride and ferocity of a Highland chief. Macaulay.
    A large black passerine bird , similar to the crow, but larger. It is native of the northern part of Europe, Asia and America, and is noted for its sagacity. Sea raven , the cormorant. (more info) Icel. hrafn, Dan. ravn, and perhaps to L. corvus,
    Eagerness for plunder; rapacity; extortion. Luke xi. 39.
    Of or pertaining to passion or the passions; exciting, influenced by, or ministering to, the passions. -- n.
    A small periodical change of position in the stars and other heavenly bodies, due to the combined effect of the motion of light and the motion of the observer; called annual aberration, when the observer's motion is that of the earth in its orbit,
    Rapturous; transporting.
    One who, or that which, ravages or lays waste; spoiler.
    Desolation by violence; violent ruin or destruction; devastation; havoc; waste; as, the ravage of a lion; the ravages of fire or tempest; the ravages of an army, or of time. Would one think 't were possible for love To make such ravage in a noble
    Manageable. Bacon.
    One who raves.
    A genus of plants related to the banana. Note: Ravenala Madagascariensis, the principal species, is an unbranched tree with immense oarlike leaves growing alternately from two sides of the stem. The sheathing bases of the leafstalks collect and
    One who ravels.
    At the bottom; lowest. Cowell. Note: In feudal law, the tenant paravail is the lowest tenant of the fee, or he who is immediate tenant to one who holds over of another. Wharton.
    Of or pertaining to Moravia, or to the United Brethren. See Moravian, n.
    The sediment of melted tallow. Same as Greaves.
    In a compassionate manner; mercifully. Clarendon.
    The territory or jurisdiction of a margrave.
    See T (more info) 1. A digger of graves.
    1. To labor; to travail. Hooker. 2. To go or march on foot; to walk; as, to travel over the city, or through the streets. 3. To pass by riding, or in any manner, to a distant place, or to many places; to journey; as, a man travels for his health;
    A form of mental alienation in which the patient has grandiose delusions.
    An American fresh-water food fish ; -- called also gray pike, blue pike, hornfish, land pike, sand pike, pickering, and pickerel.
    Morbid and uncontrollable sexual desire in women, constituting a true disease.


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