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Word Meanings - KETTLEDRUM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A drum made of thin copper in the form of a hemispherical kettle, with parchment stretched over the mouth of it. Note: Kettledrums, in pairs, were formerly used in martial music for cavalry, but are now chiefly confined to orchestras, where they

Additional info about word: KETTLEDRUM

A drum made of thin copper in the form of a hemispherical kettle, with parchment stretched over the mouth of it. Note: Kettledrums, in pairs, were formerly used in martial music for cavalry, but are now chiefly confined to orchestras, where they are called tympani. 2. An informal social party at which a light collation is offered, held in the afternoon or early evening. Cf. Drum, n., 4 and 5.

Related words: (words related to KETTLEDRUM)

    A warrior. Fuller.
    1. In which; in which place, thing, time, respect, or the like; -- used relatively. Her clothes wherein she was clad. Chaucer. There are times wherein a man ought to be cautious as well as innocent. Swift. 2. In what; -- used interrogatively. Yet
    At or in whatever place; wheresoever. He can not but love virtue wherever it is. Atterbury.
    A place for public musical entertainments; specif. , esp. a public hall for vaudeville performances, in which smoking and drinking are usually allowed in the auditorium.
    A drum made of thin copper in the form of a hemispherical kettle, with parchment stretched over the mouth of it. Note: Kettledrums, in pairs, were formerly used in martial music for cavalry, but are now chiefly confined to orchestras, where they
    A metallic vessel, with a wide mouth, often without a cover, used for heating and boiling water or other liguids. Kettle pins, ninepins; skittles. Shelton. -- Kettle stitch , the stitch made in sewing at the head and tail of a book. Knight.
    Capable of being confined, restricted, or limited. Not confinable to any limits. Bp. Hall.
    In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
    1. To which; -- used relatively. "Whereto we have already attained." Phil. iii. 16. Whereto all bonds do tie me day by day. Shak. 2. To what; to what end; -- used interrogatively.
    1. Considering that; it being the case that; since; -- used to introduce a preamble which is the basis of declarations, affirmations, commands, requests, or like, that follow. 2. When in fact; while on the contrary; the case being in truth that;
    Faced or covered with copper; as, copper-faced type.
    In a musical manner.
    Wherever; -- a contracted and poetical form. Cowper.
    1. Music. To fetch home May with their musical. Spenser. 2. A social entertainment of which music is the leading feature; a musical party.
    The teredo; -- so called because it injures the bottoms of vessels, where not protected by copper. The ringworm.
    Pertaining to, or containing, iron; chalybeate; as, martial preparations. Martial flowers , a reddish crystalline salt of iron; the ammonio-chloride of iron. -- Martial law, the law administered by the military power of a government when it
    Fastened with copper bolts, as the planks of ships, etc.; as, a copper-fastened ship.
    1. As much as is usually put into the mouth at one time. 2. Hence, a small quantity.
    One who plays on a kettledrum.
    1. Into which; -- used relatively. Where is that palace whereinto foul things Sometimes intrude not Shak. The brook, whereinto he loved to look. Emerson. 2. Into what; -- used interrogatively.
    Loving music. Busby.
    One who, or that which, limits or restrains.
    Whether. Piers Plowman. Men must enquire , Wher she be wise or sober or dronkelewe. Chaucer.
    Ubiquity; omnipresence. Grew.
    In every place; in all places; hence, in every part; throughly; altogether.
    Having a loud voice; talking or sounding noisily; noisily impudent.
    Any one of several species of marine food fishes of the genus Diabasis, or Hæmulon, of the Southern United States, having the inside of the mouth bright red. Called also flannelmouth, and grunt.
    A wide mouth; a mouth stretched in derision. Dryden.


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