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Word Meanings - HERMITESS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A female hermit. Coleridge.

Related words: (words related to HERMITESS)

    A plant which produces only that kind of reproductive organs which are capable of developing into fruit after impregnation or fertilization; a pistillate plant. (more info) 1. An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or
    A cell annexed to an abbey, for the use of a hermit. Howell.
    1. A person who retires from society and lives in solitude; a recluse; an anchoret; especially, one who so lives from religious motives. He had been Duke of Savoy, and after a very glorious reign, took on him the habit of a hermit, and retired
    Pertaining to, or suited for, a hermit. Coventry.
    A celebrated French wine, both white and red, of the Department of DrĂ´me. (more info) 1. The habitation of a hermit; a secluded residence. Some forlorn and naked hermitage, Remote from all the pleasures of the world. Shak. 2. Etym:
    a common species of fern with large decompound fronds , growing in many countries; lady fern. Note: The names male fern and female fern were anciently given to two common ferns; but it is now understood that neither has any sexual character. Syn.
    A female hermit. Coleridge.
    double rhymes, or rhymes (called in French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line. Note: A rhyme, in which the final syllables only agree


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