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Word Meanings - GYMNASTICS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Athletic or disciplinary exercises; the art of performing gymnastic exercises; also, disciplinary exercises for the intellect or character.

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    In a gymnastic manner.
    Pertaining to, or serving to constitute, the character; showing the character, or distinctive qualities or traits, of a person or thing; peculiar; distinctive. Characteristic clearness of temper. Macaulay.
    1. A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol. It were much to be wished that there were throughout the world but one sort of character for each letter to express it to the eye. Holder. 2. Style of writing or printing; handwriting;
    1. One who overrates the importance of the understanding. Bacon. 2. One who accepts the doctrine of intellectualism.
    The part or faculty of the human soul by which it knows, as distinguished from the power to feel and to will; sometimes, the capacity for higher forms of knowledge, as distinguished from the power to perceive objects in their relations; the power
    A distinction of character; a characteristic. Bp. Hall.
    The practice of engaging in athletic games; athletism.
    1. Belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental; as, intellectual powers, activities, etc. Logic is to teach us the right use of our reason or intellectual powers. I. Watts. 2. Endowed with intellect; having the power of understanding;
    The act of performing; the carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action; as, the performance of an undertaking of a duty. Promises are not binding where the performance is impossible. Paley.
    In an intellective manner. "Not intellectivelly to write." Warner.
    In an intellectual manner.
    Intellectual powers; possession of intellect; quality of being intellectual.
    1. To make distinct and recognizable by peculiar marks or traits; to make with distinctive features. European, Asiatic, Chinese, African, and Grecian faces are Characterized. Arbuthot. 2. To engrave or imprint. Sir M. Hale. 3. To indicate the
    Athletic or disciplinary exercises; the art of performing gymnastic exercises; also, disciplinary exercises for the intellect or character.
    1. Pertaining to, or produced by, the intellect or understanding; intellectual. 2. Having power to understand, know, or comprehend; intelligent; rational. Glanvill. 3. Capable of being perceived by the understanding only, not by the senses.
    Pertaining to athletic exercises intended for health, defense, or diversion; -- said of games or exercises, as running, leaping, wrestling, throwing the discus, the javelin, etc.; also, pertaining to disciplinary exercises for the intellect;
    A gymnast.
    parfornir, parfournir, to finish, complete; OF. & F. par + fournir to finish, complete. The word has been influenced by form; 1. To carry through; to bring to completion; to achieve; to accomplish; to execute; to do. I will cry unto God most
    In a characteristic manner; in a way that characterizes.
    The art of training by athletic exercises; the games and sports of athletes.
    To characterize falsely or erroneously; to give a wrong character to. They totally mischaracterize the action. Eton.
    A character which obeys Mendel's law in regard to its hereditary transmission.
    Being above intellect.


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