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Word Meanings - GLOBE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A round or spherical body, solid or hollow; a body whose surface is in every part equidistant from the center; a ball; a sphere. 2. Anything which is nearly spherical or globular in shape; as, the globe of the eye; the globe of a lamp. 3. The

Additional info about word: GLOBE

1. A round or spherical body, solid or hollow; a body whose surface is in every part equidistant from the center; a ball; a sphere. 2. Anything which is nearly spherical or globular in shape; as, the globe of the eye; the globe of a lamp. 3. The earth; the terraqueous ball; -- usually preceded by the definite article. Locke. 4. A round model of the world; a spherical representation of the earth or heavens; as, a terrestrial or celestial globe; -- called also artificial globe. 5. A body of troops, or of men or animals, drawn up in a circle; -- a military formation used by the Romans, answering to the modern infantry square. Him round A globe of fiery seraphim inclosed. Milton. Globe amaranth , a plant of the genus Gomphrena , bearing round heads of variously colored flowers, which long retain color when gathered. -- Globe animalcule, a small, globular, locomotive organism (Volvox globator), once throught to be an animal, afterward supposed to be a colony of microscopic algæ. -- Globe of compression , a kind of mine producing a wide crater; -- called also overcharged mine. -- Globe daisy , a plant or flower of the genus Globularing, common in Europe. The flowers are minute and form globular heads. -- Globe sight, a form of front sight placed on target rifles. -- Globe slater , an isopod crustacean of the genus Spheroma. -- Globe thistle , a thistlelike plant with the flowers in large globular heads ; also, certain species of the related genus Echinops. -- Globe valve. A ball valve. A valve inclosed in a globular chamber. Knight. Syn. -- Globe, Sphere, Orb, Ball. -- Globe denotes a round, and usually a solid body; sphere is the term applied in astronomy to such a body, or to the concentric spheres or orbs of the old astronomers; orb is used, especially in poetry, for globe or sphere, and also for the pathway of a heavenly body; ball is applied to the heavenly bodies concieved of as impelled through space.

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Related words: (words related to GLOBE)

    Having the form of a circle; round. "Monthly changes in her circled orb." Shak.
    1. Relating to the world; human; common; as, worldly maxims; worldly actions. "I thus neglecting worldly ends." Shak. Many years it hath continued, standing by no other worldly mean but that one only hand which erected it. Hooker. 2. Pertaining
    Having a mind devoted to earthly things; worldly-minded; -- opposed to spiritual-minded. -- Earth"ly-mind`ed*ness, n.
    A variety of asbestus. See Amianthus.
    An earthquake.
    1. The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race; an aggregate of individuals forming a whole; a community; a nation. Unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen. xlix. 10. The ants are a people not strong. Prov. xxx.
    An apparattus for showing the position of the earth, at any given time, with respect to the fixed stars. It consist of a hollow glass globe, on which are depicted the stars and constellations, and within which is a terrestrial globe.
    Devoted to worldly interests; mindful of the affairs of the present life, and forgetful of those of the future; loving and pursuing this world's goods, to the exclusion of piety and attention to spiritual concerns. -- World"ly*mind`ed*ness, n.
    Extended throughout the world; as, world-wide fame. Tennyson.
    A curious fungus of the genus Geaster, in which the outer coating splits into the shape of a star, and the inner one forms a ball containing the dustlike spores.
    Low; grovelling; vulgar.
    A plant of the genus Trollius , found in the mountainous parts of Europe, and producing handsome globe-shaped flowers. The American plant Trollius laxus. Japan globeflower. See Corchorus.
    All created things viewed as constituting one system or whole; the whole body of things, or of phenomena; the mundus of the Latins; the world; creation. How may I Adore thee, Author of this universe And all this good to man! Milton. (more info)
    A bank or mound of earth.
    1. A round or spherical body, solid or hollow; a body whose surface is in every part equidistant from the center; a ball; a sphere. 2. Anything which is nearly spherical or globular in shape; as, the globe of the eye; the globe of a lamp. 3. The
    An earthquake.
    A person whose soul is set upon gaining temporal possessions; one devoted to this world and its enjoyments. A foutre for the world and worldlings base. Shak. If we consider the expectations of futurity, the worldling gives up the argument. Rogers.
    A mythical monster of the early Anglo-Saxon literature; a dragon. W. Spalding.
    A name given to various roots, tubers, or pods grown under or on the ground; as to: The esculent tubers of the umbelliferous plants Bunium flexuosum and Carum Bulbocastanum. The peanut. See Peanut.
    Made of earth; made of burnt or baked clay, or other like substances; as, an earthen vessel or pipe.
    Not terrestrial; supernatural; preternatural; hence, weird; appalling; terrific; as, an unearthly sight or sound. -- Un*earth"li*ness, n.
    To remove, as a planet, from its sphere or orb. Shak.
    The atmosphere.
    1. To place in a sphere; to envelop. His ample shoulders in a cloud ensphered. Chapman. 2. To form into a sphere.
    People engaged in trade; shopkeepers.
    The hollow globe or sphere formed by the arrangement of the blastomeres on the periphery of an impregnated ovum. Note:


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