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Word Meanings - GLEAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

glan clean, glanh to clean, purify, or AS. gelm, gilm, a hand 1. To gather after a reaper; to collect in scattered or fragmentary parcels, as the grain left by a reaper, or grapes left after the gathering. To glean the broken ears after the man

Additional info about word: GLEAN

glan clean, glanh to clean, purify, or AS. gelm, gilm, a hand 1. To gather after a reaper; to collect in scattered or fragmentary parcels, as the grain left by a reaper, or grapes left after the gathering. To glean the broken ears after the man That the main harvest reaps. Shak. 2. To gather from what is left. 3. To collect with patient and minute labor; to pick out; to obtain. Content to glean what we can from . . . experiments. Locke.

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    A state of union; mass.
    Composedly; coolly.
    Giving dismission.
    1. Confused; perplexed. A cloudy and confounded philosopher. Cudworth. 2. Excessive; extreme; abominable. He was a most confounded tory. Swift. The tongue of that confounded woman. Sir. W. Scott.
    To cause to disappear from an equation; as, to eliminate an unknown quantity. 3. To set aside as unimportant in a process of inductive inquiry; to leave out of consideration. Eliminate errors that have been gathering and accumulating. Lowth. 4.
    In an infernal manner; diabolically. "Infernally false." Bp. Hacket.
    atteindre, fr. L. attingere; ad + tangere to touch, reach. See 1. To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end without the means Abp. Tillotson. 3. To get
    Dismission; discharge. Officeholders were commanded faithfully to enforce it, upon pain of immediate dismissal. Motley.
    To heap up in a mass; to pile up; to collect or bring together; to amass; as, to accumulate a sum of money. Syn. -- To collect; pile up; store; amass; gather; aggregate; heap together; hoard.
    In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part.
    A vacuum tube, used in spectrum analysis, in which the part through which the discharge takes place is a capillary tube, thus producing intense incandescence of the contained gases. Crookes tube.
    Capable of being collected.
    The doctrine that land and capital should be owned by society collectively or as a whole; communism. W. G. Summer.
    A suborder of marine gastropod mollusks, in which the gills are between the foot and the mantle.
    Capable of being extracted.
    In an understanding manner; intelligibly; with full knowledge or comprehension; intelligently; as, to vote upon a question understandingly; to act or judge understandingly. The gospel may be neglected, but in can not be understandingly disbelieved.
    linon, for lirnon, OHG. lirnen, lernen, G. lernen, fr. the root of AS. l to teach, OS. lerian, OHG.leran, G. lehren, Goth. laisjan, also Goth lais I know, leis acquainted ; all prob. from a root meaning, to go, go over, and hence, to learn; cf.
    To gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own; as, to acquire a title, riches, knowledge, skill, good or bad habits. No virtue is acquired in an instant, but step by step. Barrow. Descent is the title whereby a man, on the death of
    Having courage and spirit.
    Decapitated; worn or cast off in the process of growth, as the apex of certain univalve shells.
    To sweep over or across; to pass over rapidly. Thomson.
    Supremacy. Fuller.
    One of a family of extinct edentates found in America. The family includes the megatherium, the megalonyx, etc.
    A hermit. Thou art my heaven, and I thy eremite. Keats.
    Imperfectly learned.
    A blue-flowered liliaceous plant of northwestern America, the bulbs of which are collected for food by the Indians. Note: The Eastern cammass is Camassia Fraseri.
    To attain again.


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