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Word Meanings - FLYMAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The driver of a fly, or light public carriage.

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    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    licht, OHG. lioht, Goth. liuhap, Icel. lj, L. lux light, lucere to 1. That agent, force, or action in nature by the operation of which upon the organs of sight, objects are rendered visible or luminous. Note: Light was regarded formerly
    1. With exposure to popular view or notice; without concealment; openly; as, property publicly offered for sale; an opinion publicly avowed; a declaration publicly made. 2. In the name of the community. Addison.
    In Great Britain, any of various schools maintained by the community, wholly or partly under public control, or maintained largely by endowment and not carried on chiefly for profit; specif., and commonly, any of various select and usually
    A corporation, such as a railroad company, lighting company, water company, etc., organized or chartered to follow a public calling or to render services more or less essential to the general public convenience or safety.
    1. Having light; lighted; not dark or gloomy; bright. White walls make rooms more lightsome than black. Bacon. 2. Gay; airy; cheering; exhilarating. That lightsome affection of joy. Hooker. -- Light"some*ly, adv. -- Light"some*ness, n. Happiness
    1. The quality or state of being public, or open to the view or notice of people at large; publicity; notoriety; as, the publicness of a sale. 2. The quality or state of belonging to the community; as, the publicness of property. Boyle.
    The state, condition, or quality, of being light or not heavy; buoyancy; levity; fickleness; delicacy; grace. Syn. -- Levity; volatility; instability; inconstancy; unsteadiness; giddiness; flightiness; airiness; gayety; liveliness; agility;
    A farmer of the taxes and public revenues; hence, a collector of toll or tribute. The inferior officers of this class were often oppressive in their exactions, and were regarded with great detestation. As Jesus at meat . . . many publicans
    Armed with light weapons or accouterments.
    1. The price paid for conveyance of goods on a lighter. 2. The act of unloading into a lighter, or of conveying by a lighter.
    1. An old tune of a dance, the name of which made it a proverbial expression of levity, especially in love matters. Nares. "Best sing it to the tune of light-o'-love." Shak. 2. Hence: A light or wanton woman. Beau. & Fl.
    Passable by carriages; that can be conveyed in carriages. Ruskin.
    1. The act of publishing or making known; notification to the people at large, either by words, writing, or printing; proclamation; divulgation; promulgation; as, the publication of the law at Mount Sinai; the publication of the gospel;
    Having a light, springy step; nimble in running or dancing; active; as, light-foot Iris. Tennyson.
    A tower or other building with a powerful light at top, erected at the entrance of a port, or at some important point on a coast, to serve as a guide to mariners at night; a pharos.
    The quality or state of being public, or open to the knowledge of a community; notoriety; publicness.
    A part that transmits motion to another part by contact with it, or through an intermediate relatively movable part, as a gear which drives another, or a lever which moves another through a link, etc. Specifically: The driving wheel of a locomotive.
    Pine wood abounding in pitch, used for torches in the Southern United States; pine knots, dry sticks, and the like, for kindling a fire quickly or making a blaze.
    carriage, cart, baggage, F. charriage, cartage, wagoning, fr. OF. 1. That which is carried; burden; baggage. David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage. 1. Sam. xvii. 22. And after those days we took up our carriages and
    The quality or state of being slight; slenderness; feebleness; superficiality; also, formerly, negligence; indifference; disregard.
    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    A very intense light, produced by turning two streams of gas, one oxygen and the other hydrogen, or coal gas, in a state of ignition, upon a ball of lime; or a stream of oxygen gas through a flame of alcohol upon a ball or disk of lime; -- called
    Void of delight. Thomson.
    To slight. B. Jonson.
    The calico bass. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who lights street lamps.
    A horizontal vane revolving over the surface of wort in a cooler, to produce a circular current in the liquor. Knight.
    The light of the sun. Milton.
    An apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant.
    In a slighting manner.


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