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Word Meanings - FELICITOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Characterized by felicity; happy; prosperous; delightful; skilful; successful; happily applied or expressed; appropriate. Felicitous words and images. M. Arnold. -- Fe*lic"i*tous*ly, adv. -- Fe*lic"i*tous*ness, n.

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    1. Having omens or tokens of a favorable issue; giving promise of success, prosperity, or happiness; predicting good; as, an auspicious beginning. Auspicious union of order and freedom. Macaulay. 2. Prosperous; fortunate; as, auspicious years.
    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    The state or quality of being appropriate; peculiar fitness. Froude.
    Void of delight. Thomson.
    One whose business is to make sport for others; a buffoon; a zany; especially, one who attends a mountebank or quack doctor. Note: This term is said to have originated from one Andrew Borde, an English physician of the 16th century, who
    Set apart for a particular use or person. Hence: Belonging peculiarly; peculiar; suitable; fit; proper. In its strict and appropriate meaning. Porteus. Appropriate acts of divine worship. Stillingfleet. It is not at all times easy to find words
    1. Coming by good luck or favorable chance; bringing some good thing not foreseen as certain; presaging happiness; auspicious; as, a fortunate event; a fortunate concurrence of circumstances; a fortunate investment. 2. Receiving same unforeseen
    Delightful. Rom. of R.
    Making or producing mirth; convivial; jolly.
    1. Favored by hap, luck, or fortune; lucky; fortunate; successful; prosperous; satisfying desire; as, a happy expedient; a happy effort; a happy venture; a happy omen. Chymists have been more happy in finding experiments than the causes of them.
    Resulting in success; assuring, or promotive of, success; accomplishing what was proposed; having the desired effect; hence, prosperous; fortunate; happy; as, a successful use of medicine; a successful experiment; a successful enterprise. Welcome,
    Characterized by felicity; happy; prosperous; delightful; skilful; successful; happily applied or expressed; appropriate. Felicitous words and images. M. Arnold. -- Fe*lic"i*tous*ly, adv. -- Fe*lic"i*tous*ness, n.
    mirie, murie, merry, pleasant, AS. merge, myrige, pleasant; cf. murge, adv.; prob. akin to OHG. murg, short, Goth. gamaúrgjan to shorten; cf. L. murcus a coward, who cuts off his thumb to escape military service; the Anglo-Saxon and
    In a fortunate manner; luckily; successfully; happily.
    1. Being or occurring in good time; sufficiently early; seasonable. "The timely dew of sleep." Milton. 2. Keeping time or measure. Spenser.
    Highly pleasing; affording great pleasure and satisfaction. "Delightful bowers." Spenser. "Delightful fruit." Milton. Syn. -- Delicious; charming. See Delicious. -- De*light"ful*ly, adv. -- De*light"ful*ness, n.
    1. Tending to prosperity; favoring; favorable; helpful. A happy passage and a prosperous wind. Denham. 2. Being prospered; advancing in the pursuit of anything desirable; making gain, or increase; thriving; successful; as, a prosperous voyage;
    One who makes merriment or indulges in conviviality; a jovial comrade.
    Very pleasing; delightful. "Delightsome vigor." Grew. Ye shall be a delightsome land, . . . saith the Lord. Mal. iii. 12. -- De*light"some*ly, adv. -- De*light"some*ness, n.
    Not prosperous. Dryden. -- Im*pros"per*ous*ly, adv. -- Im*pros"per*ous*ness, n.
    Not opportunely; unseasonably; inconveniently.
    Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ly, adv. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ness, n.
    1. Inappropriate; unsuitable. 2. Not appropriated. Bp. Warburton.
    Not felicitous; unhappy; unfortunate; not fortunate or appropriate in application; not well said, expressed, or done; as, an infelicitous condition; an infelicitous remark; an infelicitous description; infelicitous words.
    Delighted beyond measure.
    Not timely; done or happening at an unnatural, unusual, or improper time; unseasonable; premature; inopportune; as, untimely frosts; untimely remarks; an untimely death.


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