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Word Meanings - FANATIC - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Pertaining to, or indicating, fanaticism; extravagant in opinions; ultra; unreasonable; excessively enthusiastic, especially on religious subjects; as, fanatic zeal; fanatic notions. But Faith, fanatic Faith, once wedded fast To some dear falsehood,

Additional info about word: FANATIC

Pertaining to, or indicating, fanaticism; extravagant in opinions; ultra; unreasonable; excessively enthusiastic, especially on religious subjects; as, fanatic zeal; fanatic notions. But Faith, fanatic Faith, once wedded fast To some dear falsehood, hugs it to the last. T. Moore.

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    1. Of or pertaining to a visions or visions; characterized by, appropriate to, or favorable for, visions. The visionary hour When musing midnight reigns. Thomson. 2. Affected by phantoms; disposed to receive impressions on the imagination; given
    In the manner of a bigot.
    One who is zealous; one who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object with earnestness and ardor; especially, one who is overzealous, or carried away by his zeal; one absorbed in devotion to anything; an enthusiast; a fanatical partisan.
    One moved or actuated by enthusiasm; as: One who imagines himself divinely inspired, or possessed of some special revelation; a religious madman; a fanatic. One whose mind is wholly possessed and heated by what engages it; one who is influenced
    Pertaining to, or indicating, fanaticism; extravagant in opinions; ultra; unreasonable; excessively enthusiastic, especially on religious subjects; as, fanatic zeal; fanatic notions. But Faith, fanatic Faith, once wedded fast To some dear falsehood,
    Excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion; religious frenzy. Syn. -- See Superstition.
    To cause to become a fanatic.
    1. An adherent to a party or faction; esp., one who is strongly and passionately devoted to a party or an interest. "The violence of a partisan." Macaulay. Both sides had their partisans in the colony. Jefferson. The commander of a body of detached
    Filled with enthusiasm; characterized by enthusiasm; zealous; as, an enthusiastic lover of art. "Enthusiastical raptures." Calamy. -- En*thu`si*as"tic*al*ly, adv. A young man . . . of a visionary and enthusiastic character. W. Irving.
    The character or conduct of a zealot; zealotry.
    A zealot. Howell.
    Characteristic of, or relating to, fanaticism; fanatic. - Fa*nat"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Fa*nat"ic*al*ness, n.
    Like, or suitable to, a zealot; ardently zealous. Strype.
    The state of being a partisan, or adherent to a party; feelings or conduct appropriate to a partisan.
    Obstinately and blindly attached to some creed, opinion practice, or ritual; unreasonably devoted to a system or party, and illiberal toward the opinions of others. "Bigoted to strife." Byron. Syn. -- Prejudiced; intolerant; narrow-minded.
    1. The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them. 2. The practice or tenets of a bigot.
    An enthusiast; a zealot.
    the Normans in France. Of unknown origin; possibly akin to Sp. bigote a whisker; hombre de bigote a man of spirit and vigor; cf. It. s- bigottire to terrify, to appall. Wedgwood and others maintain that 1. A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious
    One who is wholly devoted; esp., one given wholly to religion; one who is superstitiously given to religious duties and ceremonies; a bigot. While Father Le Blanc was very devout he was not a devotee. A. S. Hardy.
    The character and behavior of a zealot; excess of zeal; fanatical devotion to a cause. Enthusiasm, visionariness, seems the tendency of the German; zeal, zealotry, of the English; fanaticism, of the French. Coleridge.
    Provisional. Burke.
    Of or pertaining to revision; revisory.


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