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Word Meanings - ETHYLIN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Any one of the several complex ethers of ethyl and glycerin.

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    Any one of the several complex ethers of ethyl and glycerin.
    An unsymmetrical, divalent, hydrocarbon radical, C2H4 metameric with ethylene but written thus, CH3.CH to distinguish it from the symmetrical ethylene, CH2.CH2. Its compounds are derived from aldehyde. Formerly called also ethidene.
    Constitutionally. Though corruptible, not complexionally vicious. Burke.
    Pertaining to, or containing, ethyl and sulphuric acid. Ethylsulphuric acid , an acid sulphate of ethyl, H.C2H5.SO4, produced as a thick liquid by the action of sulphiric acid on alcohol. It appears to be the active catalytic agent in the process
    A colorless, mobile, inflammable liquid, C2H5.NH2, very volatile and with an ammoniacal odor. It is a strong base, and is a derivative of ammonia. Called also ethyl carbamine, and amido ethane.
    A complex; an aggregate of parts; a complication.
    A monatomic, hydrocarbon radical, C2H5 of the paraffin series, forming the essential radical of ethane, and of common alcohol and ether. Ethyl aldehyde. See Aldehyde.
    Having a complexion; -- used in composition; as, a dark- complexioned or a ruddy-complexioned person. A flower is the best-complexioned grass, as a pearl is the best- colored clay. Fuller.
    The quality or state of being complex or involved; complication. The complexedness of these moral ideas. Locke.
    Each particular taken singly; distinction. Bp. Hall.
    Separately; distinctly; apart from others; individually. There must be an auditor to check and revise each severally by itself. De Quincey.
    1. Separate; distinct; particular; single. Each several ship a victory did gain. Dryden. Each might his several province well command, Would all but stoop to what they understand. Pope. 2. Diverse; different; various. Spenser. Habits and faculties,
    The state of being complex; complexity. A. Smith.
    A state of separation from the rest, or from all others; a holding by individual right. Forests which had never been owned in severalty. Bancroft. Estate in severalty , an estate which the tenant holds in his own right, without being joined in
    Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, ethyl; as, ethylic alcohol.
    A compound derived from ethyl alcohol by the replacement of the hydroxyl hydrogen, after the manner of a hydrate; an ethyl alcoholate; as, potassium ethylate, C2H5.O.K.
    Pertaining to the complexion, or to the care of it. Jer. Taylor.
    An oily, viscous liquid, C3H5 3, colorless and odorless, and with a hot, sweetish taste, existing in the natural fats and oils as the base, combined with various acids, as oleic, margaric, stearic, and palmitic. It is a triatomic alcohol, and hence
    1. The state of being complex; complexity. Though the terms of propositions may be complex, yet . . . it is proprly called a simple syllogism, since the complexion does not belong to the syllogistic form of it. I. Watts. 2. A combination;
    A colorless, gaseous hydrocarbon, C2H4, forming an important ingredient of illuminating gas, and also obtained by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid in alcohol. It is an unsaturated compound and combines directly with chlorine and bromine
    A liquid appearing like a heavy oil, colorless or yellowish, and consisting of a mixture of several glycerin salts of nitric acid, and hence more properly called glycerin nitrate. It is made by the action of nitric acid on glycerin in the presence
    A hydrocarbon radical, CH2, not known in the free state, but regarded as an essential residue and component of certain derivatives of methane; as, methylene bromide, CH2Br2; -- formerly called also methene. Methylene blue , an artificial dyestuff
    A gaseous hydrocarbon, C3H6, isomeric with propylene and obtained from it indirectly. It is the base of a series of compounds analogous to the aromatic hydrocarbons.
    Impregnated with, or containing, methyl alcohol or wood spirit; as, methylated spirits.
    A colorless, volatile, alkaline liquid, NH 2, having a strong fishy odor resembling that of herring or sardines. Cf. Methylamine.
    A colorless volatile alkaline liquid, N. 3, obtained from herring brine, beet roots, etc., with a characteristic herringlike odor. It is regarded as a substituted ammonia containing three methyl groups.
    Formic aldehyde, regarded as a methylene derivative.
    A poisonous nitrogenous base obtained indirectly from oxamide as a thick transparent oil which has a strong narcotic odor, and a physiological action resembling that of atropine. It is probably related to pyridine.
    A light, volatile liquid, H2C 2, regarded as a complex ether, and having a pleasant ethereal odor. It is obtained by the partial oxidation of methyl alcohol. Called also formal.
    To change the complexion or hue of. Beau. & Fl.


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