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Word Meanings - ENCUMBRANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

See HINDRANCE (more info) 1. That which encumbers; a burden which impedes action, or renders it difficult and laborious; a clog; an impediment. See Incumbrance.

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    1. Requiring labor, perseverance, or sacrifices; toilsome; tiresome. Dost thou love watchings, abstinence, or toil, Laborious virtues all Learn these from Cato. Addison. 2. Devoted to labor; diligent; industrious; as, a laborious mechanic.
    One who loads; a oppressor.
    Effective motion; also, mechanism; as, the breech action of a gun. (more info) 1. A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest; the doing of something; exertion of power or force, as when one body acts on another; the effect of
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    That may be the subject of an action or suit at law; as, to call a man a thief is actionable.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    1. Hard to do or to make; beset with difficulty; attended with labor, trouble, or pains; not easy; arduous. Note: Difficult implies the notion that considerable mental effort or skill is required, or that obstacles are to be overcome which call
    That which impedes or hinders progress, motion, activity, or effect. Thus far into the bowels of the land Have we marched on without impediment. Shak. Impediment in speech, a defect which prevents distinct utterance. Syn. -- Hindrance; obstruction;
    1. To encumber with weight ; to lay a heavy load upon; to load. I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened. 2 Cor. viii. 13. 2. To oppress with anything grievous or trying; to overload; as, to burden a nation with taxes. My burdened heart
    difficilis difficult; dif- = dis- + facilis easy: cf. F. difficulté. 1. The state of being difficult, or hard to do; hardness; arduousness; -- opposed to easiness or facility; as, the difficulty of a task or enterprise; a work of difficulty. Not
    Burdensome. "Burdenous taxations." Shak.
    With difficulty. Cowper.
    A burden or charge upon property; a claim or lien upon an estate, which may diminish its value. (more info) 1. A burdensome and troublesome load; anything that impedes motion or action, or renders it difficult or laborious; clog; impediment;
    Of the nature of an impediment; hindering; obstructing; impeditive. Things so impediental to success. G. H. Lewes.
    To render difficult; to difficilitate. Cotgrave.
    In an actionable manner.
    Grievous to be borne; causing uneasiness or fatigue; oppressive. The debt immense of endless gratitude So burdensome. Milton. Syn. -- Heavy; weighty; cumbersome; onerous; grievous; oppressive; troublesome. -- Bur"den*some*ly, adv. -- Bur"den*some*ness,
    One who holds Kent.
    Things which impede or hinder progress; incumbrances; baggage; specif. ,
    A shareholder in joint-stock company.
    A reactionary. C. Kingsley.
    The act of madefying, or making wet; the state of that which is made wet. Bacon.
    The act of redacting; work produced by redacting; a digest.
    The act or process by which chyle is formed from food in animal bodies; chylification, -- a digestive process.
    One of the divisions or parties of charioteers (distinguished by their colors) in the games of the circus. 2. A party, in political society, combined or acting in union, in opposition to the government, or state; -- usually applied to a minority,
    1. The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation. To create distractions among us. Bp. Burnet. 2. That which diverts attention; a diversion. "Domestic distractions." G. Eliot. 3. A diversity of direction; detachment. His power went out in
    Recompense; atonemet; retribution. Howell.
    A melting together; the reduction of different bodies into one mass by fusion. The incorporation of metals by simple colliquefaction. Bacon.
    See BELOW
    Subordinate action; a minor action incidental or subsidiary to the main story; an episode. The least episodes or underactions . . . are parts necessary or convenient to carry on the main design. Dryden.
    The act process of leaving out of consideration one or more properties of a complex object so as to attend to others; analysis. Thus, when the mind considers the form of a tree by itself, or the color of the leaves as separate from their size or
    See 3 (more info) 1. Subtraction; deduction.
    The taking of a lesser number or quantity from a greater of the same kind or denomination; an operation for finding the difference between two numbers or quantities. (more info) 1. The act or operation of subtracting or taking away a part.
    1. The act of demanding with authority, and compelling to pay or yield; compulsion to give or furnish; a levying by force; a driving to compliance; as, the exaction to tribute or of obedience; hence, extortion. Take away your exactions from my
    Act of touching.
    Dissatisfaction. Bp. Hall.
    Force; compulsion, either in restraining or impelling. Sojth.


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