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Word Meanings - DISTRACTION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation. To create distractions among us. Bp. Burnet. 2. That which diverts attention; a diversion. "Domestic distractions." G. Eliot. 3. A diversity of direction; detachment. His power went out in

Additional info about word: DISTRACTION

1. The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation. To create distractions among us. Bp. Burnet. 2. That which diverts attention; a diversion. "Domestic distractions." G. Eliot. 3. A diversity of direction; detachment. His power went out in such distractions as Beguiled all species. Shak. 4. State in which the attention is called in different ways; confusion; perplexity. That ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction. 1 Cor. vii. 3 5. Confusion of affairs; tumult; disorder; as, political distractions. Never was known a night of such distraction. Dryden. 6. Agitation from violent emotions; perturbation of mind; despair. The distraction of the children, who saw both their parents together, would have melted the hardest heart. Tatler. 7. Derangement of the mind; madness. Atterbury. Syn. -- Perplexity; confusion; disturbance; disorder; dissension; tumult; derangement; madness; raving; franticness; furiousness.

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    Capable of fermentation; as, cider and other vegetable liquors are fermentable.
    The quality or state of being turbulent; a disturbed state; tumult; disorder; agitation. Shak. The years of . . . warfare and turbulence which ensued. Southey. Syn. -- Agitation; commotion; tumult; tumultuousness; termagance; unruliness;
    1. A state of being absent or withdrawn from a place or from companionship; -- opposed to presence. Not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Phil. ii. 12. 2. Want; destitution; withdrawal. "In the absence of conventional law."
    1. Absence of existence; the negation of being; nonentity. A. Baxter. 2. A thing that has no existence. Sir T. Browne.
    fervimentum, fr. fervere to be boiling hot, boil, ferment: cf. F. 1. That which causes fermentation, as yeast, barm, or fermenting beer. Note: Ferments are of two kinds: Formed or organized ferments. Unorganized or structureless ferments. The
    Making, or accompanied by, uproar, or noise and tumult; as, uproarious merriment. -- Up*roar"i*ous*ly, adv. -- Up*roar"i*ous*ness, n.
    The quality of being insubordinate; disobedience to lawful authority.
    mutiner, fr. F. mutin stubborn, mutinous, fr. OF. meute riot, LL. 1. Insurrection against constituted authority, particularly military or naval authority; concerted revolt against the rules of discipline or the lawful commands of a superior
    The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another. Bouvier. (more info) 1. Division; separation; putting away. No other remedy . . . but absolute departure. Milton.
    1. The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation. To create distractions among us. Bp. Burnet. 2. That which diverts attention; a diversion. "Domestic distractions." G. Eliot. 3. A diversity of direction; detachment. His power went out in
    A bursting forth; eruption; insurrection. "Mobs and outbreaks." J. H. Newman. The flash and outbreak of a fiery mind. Shak.
    An active, stirring person.
    Great tumult; violent disturbance and noise; noisy confusion; bustle and clamor. But the Jews which believed not, . . . set all the city on an uproar. Acts xvii. 5. (more info) uppror; D. op up + roeren to stir; akin to AS. hr to stir, hr stirring,
    Harassing labor; trouble; molestation by tumult; disturbance; worrying confusion. And there I'll rest, as after much turmoil, A blessed soul doth in Elysium. Shak. (more info) the hopper of a mill, trembler to tremble ;
    1. Quarreling; quarrelsome; noisy. She is an irksome brawling scold. Shak. 2. Making a loud confused noise. See Brawl, v. i., 3. A brawling stream. J. S. Shairp.
    In a blustering manner.
    The hindering or disquieting of a person in the lawful and peaceable enjoyment of his right; the interruption of a right; as, the disturbance of a franchise, of common, of ways, and the like. Blackstone. Syn. -- Tumult; brawl; commotion; turmoil;
    Inclined to bluster; given to blustering; blustering. Motley.
    1. Want of order or regular disposition; lack of arrangement; confusion; disarray; as, the troops were thrown into disorder; the papers are in disorder. 2. Neglect of order or system; irregularity. From vulgar bounds with brave disorder part, And
    A maker of tumults. He severely punished the tumulters. Milton.
    1. The act of choosing, or the state of being chosen; preference. Natural preferment of the one . . . before the other. Sir T. Browne. 2. The act of preferring, or advancing in dignity or office; the state of being advanced; promotion. Neither


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