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Word Meanings - DRAB - Book Publishers vocabulary database

dregs, G. treber; for sense 1, cf. also Gael. drabag a slattern, 1. A low, sluttish woman. King. 2. A lewd wench; a strumpet. Shak. 3. A wooden box, used in salt works for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling pans.

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    1. To offer, as a woman, to a lewd use; to give up to lewdness for hire. "Do not prostitute thy daughter." Lev. xix. 29. 2. To devote to base or unworthy purposes; to give up to low or indiscriminate use; as, to prostitute talents; to prostitute
    A whoremaster; a lecher; a man who frequents the society of whores.
    The protecting of a joint, as between roof and parapet wall, with mortar, or cement, where flashing is employed in better work. 2. The material of which fillets are made; also, fillets, collectively.
    Being without a wench. Shak.
    A woman who prostitutes herself for hire; a prostitute; a harlot. Lasciviously decked like a courtesan. Sir H. Wotton. (more info) courtier, It. cortigiano; or directly fr. It. cortigiana, or Sp.
    The world; a globe as an ensign of royalty. A. Drummond. Le beau monde Etym: , fashionable society. See Beau monde. -- Demi monde. See Demimonde.
    A woman of doubtful reputation or suspected character; an adventuress. De Quincey.
    1. Belonging to Cyprus. 2. Of, pertaining, or conducing to, lewdness.
    A woman who practices unlawful sexual commerce with men, especially one who prostitutes her body for hire; a prostitute; a harlot. Wyclif. Syn. -- Harlot; courtesan; prostitute; strumpet. (more info) OHG. huora, huorra, Icel. h, Dan. hore, Sw.
    Having the character of a whoremaster; lecherous; libidinous.
    To frequent the company of wenches, or women of ill fame.
    A piece of lean meat without bone; sometimes, a long strip rolled together and tied. Note: A fillet of beef is the under side of the sirlom; also called tenderloin. A fillet of veal or mutton is the fleshy part of the thigh. A fillet of fish is
    One who wenches; a lewd man.
    To harlot. Warner.
    A reformed prostitute.
    1. Ribaldry; buffoonery; a ribald story. Piers Plowman. Chaucer. 2. The trade or practice of prostitution; habitual or customary lewdness. Dryden. 3. Anything meretricious; as, harlotry in art. 4. A harlot; a strumpet; a baggage. He sups to-night
    1. A churl; a common man; a person, male or female, of low birth. He was a gentle harlot and a kind. Chaucer. 2. A person given to low conduct; a rogue; a cheat; a rascal. Chaucer. 3. A woman who prostitutes her body for hire; a prostitute;
    An inferior kind of cheese made from skim milk with a fatty "filling," such as oleomargarine or lard, to replace the fat removed in the cream.
    The sin of worshiping idols; idolatry. O Ephraim, thou committest whoredom, and Israel is defiled; they will not . . . turn unto their God. Hos. v. 3, 4. (more info) 1. The practice of unlawful intercourse with the other sex; fornication; lewdness.
    One who, or that which, fills; something used for filling. 'T is mere filer, to stop a vacancy in the hexameter. Dryden. They have six diggers to four fillers, so as to keep the fillers always at work. Mortimer.
    Persons of doubtful reputation; esp., women who are kept as mistresses, though not public prostitutes; demireps. Literary demimonde, writers of the lowest kind.
    A prostitute; a harlot. Shak. (more info) debauchery, F. stupe, L. stuprare, stupratum, to debauch, stuprum
    One who fulfills. South.
    The fashionable world; people of fashion and gayety. Prior.
    To exceed in lewdness.
    1. To corrupt with regard to chastity; to make a whore of. J. Fletcher. 2. To pronounce or characterize as a whore. Shak.


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