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Word Meanings - COPEMAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A chapman; a dealer; a merchant. He would have sold his part of paradise For ready money, had he met a copeman. B. Jonson.

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    A chapman; a dealer; a merchant. He would have sold his part of paradise For ready money, had he met a copeman. B. Jonson.
    1. A person who deals in money; banker or broker. 2. An authorized coiner of money. Sir M. Hale. The Company of Moneyers, the officials who formerly coined the money of Great Britain, and who claimed certain prescriptive rights and privileges.
    1. The body of merchants taken collectively; as, the merchantry of a country. 2. The business of a merchant; merchandise. Walpole.
    Made already, or beforehand, in anticipation of need; not made to order; as, ready-made clothing; ready-made jokes.
    1. A tax paid to the first two Norman kings of England to prevent them from debashing the coin. Hume. 2. Mintage; coinage.
    fr. L. moneta. See Mint place where coin is made, Mind, and cf. 1. A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and
    Merchantlike; suitable to the character or business of a merchant. Gauden.
    Willingness; desire.
    ' (as, a would-be poet.
    1. Supplied with money; having money; wealthy; as, moneyey men. Bacon. 2. Converted into money; coined. If exportation will not balance importation, away must your silver go again, whether moneyed or not moneyed. Locke. 3. Consisting
    LL. mercatans, -antis, p. pr. of mercatare to negotiate, L. mercari to traffic, fr. merx, mercis, wares. See Market, Merit, and cf. 1. One who traffics on a large scale, especially with foreign countries; a trafficker; a trader. Others,
    Commonly used as an auxiliary verb, either in the past tense or in the conditional or optative present. See 2d & 3d Will. Note: Would was formerly used also as the past participle of Will. Right as our Lord hath would. Chaucer.
    akin to D. koopman, Sw. köpman, Dan. kiöpmand, G. kaufmann.f. Chap to 1. One who buys and sells; a merchant; a buyer or a seller. The word of life is a quick commodity, and ought not, as a drug to be obtruded on those chapmen who are unwilling
    An open space within a monastery or adjoining a church, as the space within a cloister, the open court before a basilica, etc. 5. A churchyard or cemetery. Oxf. Gloss. Fool's paradise. See under Fool, and Limbo. -- Grains of paradise.
    1. One who coins or prints money; also, a counterfeiter of money. 2. One who accumulates money or wealth; specifically, one who makes money-getting his governing motive.
    Fit for market; such as is usually sold in market, or such as will bring the ordinary price; as, merchantable wheat; sometimes, a technical designation for a particular kind or class.
    1. A merchant. Matt. xiii. 45. 2. A trading vessel; a ship employed in the transportation of goods, as, distinguished from a man-of-war.
    Emotion of desire; inclination; velleity. Hammond.
    Having ready wit.
    Too ready. -- O"ver*read"*i*ly, adv. -- O"ver*read"i*ness, n.
    One who practices double dealing; a deceitful, trickish person. L'Estrange.
    Not merchantable; not fit for market; being of a kind, quality, or quantity that is unsalable. McElrath.
    Prior to some specified time, either past, present, or future; by this time; previously. "Joseph was in Egypt already." Exod. i. 5. I say unto you, that Elias is come already. Matt. xvii. 12. Note: It has reference to past time, but may be used
    Bribed. Fuller.
    1. Like thread or filaments; slender; as, the thready roots of a shrub. 2. Containing, or consisting of, thread.


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