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Word Meanings - CONTERMINABLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Having the same bounds; terminating at the same time or place; conterminous. Love and life not conterminable. Sir H. Wotton.

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    Sheltered in a haven. Blissful havened both from joy and pain. Keats.
    A harbor master.
    1. The act of placing, or the state of being placed. 2. Position; place.
    Having reference to the placenta; as, the placentary system of classification.
    To make a place kick; to make by a place kick. -- Place"-kick`er, n.
    A light cloth covering for the head and neck, used by soldiers as a protection from sunstroke.
    Having the same bounds, or limits; bordering upon; contiguous. This conformed so many of them as were conterminous to the colonies and garrisons, to the Roman laws. Sir M. Hale.
  • HAVE
    haven, habben, AS. habben ; akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben, OFries, hebba, OHG. hab, G. haben, Icel. hafa, Sw. hafva, Dan. have, Goth. haban, and prob. to L. habere, whence F. 1. To hold in possession or control; to own; as, he has a farm. 2.
    Having the same bounds; terminating at the same time or place; conterminous. Love and life not conterminable. Sir H. Wotton.
    One who places or sets. Spenser.
    Harbor dues; port dues.
    Position in the heavens, as of a heavenly body; -- usually defined by its right ascension and declination, or by its latitude and longitude. Place of arms , a place calculated for the rendezvous of men in arms, etc., as a fort which affords a safe
    The dividing line between the illuminated and the unilluminated part of the moon. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, terminates.
    Of or pertaining to termination; forming a termination.
    habe, Dan. havn, Icel. höfn, Sw. hamn; akin to E. have, and hence orig., a holder; or to heave ; or akin to AS. hæf sea, 1. A bay, recess, or inlet of the sea, or the mouth of a river, which affords anchorage and shelter for shipping; a harbor;
    1. To set a term or limit to; to form the extreme point or side of; to bound; to limit; as, to terminate a surface by a line. 2. To put an end to; to make to cease; as, to terminate an effort, or a controversy. 3. Hence, to put the finishing touch
    Of or pertaining to Havana, the capital of the island of Cuba; as, an Havana cigar; -- formerly sometimes written Havannah. -- n.
    Pertaining to, or discovered by, Clopton Havers, an English physician of the seventeenth century. Haversian canals , the small canals through which the blood vessels ramify in bone.
    The ending of a word; a final syllable or letter; the part added to a stem in inflection. (more info) 1. The act of terminating, or of limiting or setting bounds; the act of ending or concluding; as, a voluntary termination of hostilities. 2. That
    The vascular appendage which connects the fetus with the parent, and is cast off in parturition with the afterbirth. Note: In most mammals the placenta is principally developed from the allantois and chorion, and tufts of vascular villi
    Interminable; interminate; endless; unending. Akenside.
    The removal of an edge or an angle by one or more planes. (more info) 1. The act of replacing.
    To behave ill; to conduct one's self improperly; -- often used with a reciprocal pronoun.
    Separated by bounds. Bp. Hall.
    Determination by one's self; or, determination of one's acts or states without the necessitating force of motives; -- applied to the voluntary or activity.
    1. Calm contentment; satisfaction; gratification. The inward complacence we find in acting reasonably and virtuously. Atterbury. Others proclaim the infirmities of a great man with satisfaction and complacency, if they discover none of the like
    A plane for shaving or dressing the concave or inside faces of barrel staves.
    The act of previous determination; a purpose formed beforehand; as, the predetermination of God's will. Hammond.
    Of or pertaining to extermination; tending to exterminate. "Exterminatory war." Burke.
    Belonging to the Aplacentata; without placenta.


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