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Word Meanings - CONCERT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

from L. consertus, p. p. of conserere to join together; con- + serere to join together, influenced by concertare to contend; con- + centare to strive; properly, to try to decide; fr. cernere to distinguish. 1. To plan together; to settle or adjust

Additional info about word: CONCERT

from L. consertus, p. p. of conserere to join together; con- + serere to join together, influenced by concertare to contend; con- + centare to strive; properly, to try to decide; fr. cernere to distinguish. 1. To plan together; to settle or adjust by conference, agreement, or consultation. It was concerted to begin the siege in March. Bp. Burnet. 2. To plan; to devise; to arrange. A commander had more trouble to concert his defense before the people than to plan . . . the compaign. Burke.

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    drawing, dessein a plan or scheme; all, ultimately, from L. designare to designate; de- + signare to mark, mark out, signum mark, sign. See 1. To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace
    Consistent; agreeable; suitable; accordant to; harmonious; concurrent. A good law and consentaneous to reason. Howell. -- Con`sen*ta"ne*ous*ly, adv. -- Con`sen*ta"ne*ous*ness, n.
    Flattering; obsequious. -- As*sent"a*to*ri*ly, adv.
    Designated; appointed; chosen. Sir G. Buck.
    1. The act of associating, or state of being associated; union; connection, whether of persons of things. "Some . . . bond of association." Hooker. Self-denial is a kind of holy association with God. Boyle. 2. Mental connection, or that which is
    Capable of being adapted.
    One who explains the higher functions and relations of the soul by the association of ideas; e. g., Hartley, J. C. Mill.
    1. The act of concurring; a meeting or coming together; union; conjunction; combination. We have no other measure but our own ideas, with the concurence of other probable reasons, to persuade us. Locke. 2. A meeting of minds; agreement in opinion;
    A combination of two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. See Conspiracy. Syn. -- League; compact; alliance; association; union; combination; confederation. (more info) 1. A league or compact between
    One who assents.
    Of or pertaining to union or unionists; tending to promote or preserve union.
    Tending to adjust.
    One who joins or promotes a coalition; one who advocates coalition.
    1. The secret science of the cabalists. 2. A superstitious devotion to the mysteries of the religion which one professes. Emerson.
    A Jacobite who favored the restoration of James II, on condition of a general amnesty and of guarantees for the security of the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of the realm. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, compounds or mixes; as, a
    That may be compounded.
    A system of control in which a separate manipulation, as of a rudder, may be effected by either of two movements, in different directions, of a single lever, etc.
    The act or process of uniting by chemical affinity, by which substances unite with each other in definite proportions by weight to form distinct compounds. 4. pl. (more info) 1. The act or process of combining or uniting persons and things. Making
    The head violinist or leader of the strings in an orchestra; the sub-leader of the orchestra; concert master.
    lieue, Pr. lega, legua, It. & LL. lega, Sp. legua, Pg. legoa, legua; all fr. LL. leuca, of Celtic origin: cf. Arm. leo, lev (perh. from French), Ir.leige ; also Ir. & Gael. leac a flag, a broad, flat stone, W. llech, -- such stones having perh.
    Disapprobation; dislike; censure; adverse judgment.
    1. The act of dallying, trifling, or fondling; interchange of caresses; wanton play. Look thou be true, do not give dalliance Too mnch the rein. Shak. O, the dalliance and the wit, The flattery and the strifeTennyson. 2. Delay or procrastination.
    Mutual communion; as, an intercommunion of deities. Faber.
    A renewed alliance.
    1. A second union; union formed anew after separation, secession, or discord; as, a reunion of parts or particles of matter; a reunion of parties or sects. 2. An assembling of persons who have been separated, as of a family, or the members of a
    A previous consent.
    One who manages ill.
    Not fabricated; unwrought; not artificial; natural.


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