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Word Meanings - CHLORANIL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A yellow crystalline substance, C6Cl4.O2, regarded as a derivative of quinone, obtained by the action of chlorine on certain benzene derivatives, as aniline.

Related words: (words related to CHLORANIL)

    A certain plant, probably the yellow oxeye. B. Jonson.
    A kind of grass, perhaps a species of Agrostis.
    A rock trout found on the coast of Alaska; -- called also striped fish, and Atka mackerel.
    A crystalline substance, C6H4O2 , first obtained by the oxidation of quinic acid and regarded as a double ketone; also, by extension, any one of the series of which quinone proper is the type.
    To furnish or endow with substance; to supply property to; to make rich.
    One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable suffocating odor, and exceedingly poisonous. It is abundant in nature, the most important compound
    Effective motion; also, mechanism; as, the breech action of a gun. (more info) 1. A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest; the doing of something; exertion of power or force, as when one body acts on another; the effect of
    Capable of being obtained.
    1. A bright golden color, reflecting more light than any other except white; the color of that part of the spectrum which is between the orange and green. "A long motley coat guarded with yellow." Shak. 2. A yellow pigment. Cadmium yellow, Chrome
    That may be the subject of an action or suit at law; as, to call a man a thief is actionable.
    The American scoter.
    The wood of any one of several different kinds of trees; also, any one of the trees themselves. Among the trees so called are the Cladrastis tinctoria, an American leguminous tree; the several species of prickly ash ; the Australian Flindersia
    A common European finch . The color of the male is bright yellow on the breast, neck, and sides of the head, with the back yellow and brown, and the top of the head and the tail quills blackish. Called also yellow bunting, scribbling lark, and
    Clearness; freedom from ambiguity; lucidity. Of a certainty, certainly. (more info) 1. The quality, state, or condition, of being certain. The certainty of punishment is the truest security against crimes. Fisher Ames. 2. A fact or truth
    Any one of several species of long-legged sandpipers of the genus Totanus, in which the legs are bright yellow; -- called also stone snipe, tattler, telltale, yellowshanks; and yellowshins. See Tattler, 2.
    1. Having no regard; heedless; careless; as, regardless of life, consequences, dignity. Regardless of the bliss wherein he sat. Milton. 2. Not regarded; slighted. Spectator. Syn. -- Heedless; negligent; careless; indifferent; unconcerned;
    The American goldfinch, or thistle bird. See Goldfinch. The common yellow warbler; -- called also summer yellowbird. See Illust. of Yellow warbler, under Yellow, a.
    Covered or bound in yellow paper. Yellow-covered literature, cheap sensational novels and trashy magazines; -- formerly so called from the usual color of their covers. Bartlett.
    Obtained by derivation; derived; not radical, original, or fundamental; originating, deduced, or formed from something else; secondary; as, a derivative conveyance; a derivative word. Derivative circulation, a modification of the circulation found
    An organic base belonging to the phenylamines. It may be regarded as ammonia in which one hydrogen atom has been replaced by the radical phenyl. It is a colorless, oily liquid, originally obtained from indigo by distillation, but now largely
    Negligently; heedlessly.
    The act of ascertaining; a reducing to certainty; a finding out by investigation; discovery. The positive ascertainment of its limits. Burke.
    A reactionary. C. Kingsley.
    That may be ascertained. -- As`cer*tain"a*ble*ness, n. -- As`cer*tain"a*bly, adv.
    Half crystalline; -- said of certain cruptive rocks composed partly of crystalline, partly of amorphous matter.
    The act of madefying, or making wet; the state of that which is made wet. Bacon.
    See MAUVE
    The act of redacting; work produced by redacting; a digest.
    The act or process by which chyle is formed from food in animal bodies; chylification, -- a digestive process.
    That may be reobtained.
    One of the divisions or parties of charioteers (distinguished by their colors) in the games of the circus. 2. A party, in political society, combined or acting in union, in opposition to the government, or state; -- usually applied to a minority,
    Any one of a group of quinone compounds obtained respectively by the oxidation of certain xylidine compounds. In general they are yellow crystalline substances.
    1. The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation. To create distractions among us. Bp. Burnet. 2. That which diverts attention; a diversion. "Domestic distractions." G. Eliot. 3. A diversity of direction; detachment. His power went out in
    Partly crystalline; -- said of rock which consists of crystals imbedded in a glassy ground mass.


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