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Word Meanings - CAGE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An outer framework of timber, inclosing something within it; as the cage of a staircase. Gwilt. A skeleton frame to limit the motion of a loose piece, as a ball valve. A wirework strainer, used in connection with pumps and pipes. 5. The box, bucket,

Additional info about word: CAGE

An outer framework of timber, inclosing something within it; as the cage of a staircase. Gwilt. A skeleton frame to limit the motion of a loose piece, as a ball valve. A wirework strainer, used in connection with pumps and pipes. 5. The box, bucket, or inclosed platform of a lift or elevator; a cagelike structure moving in a shaft. (more info) 1. A box or inclosure, wholly or partly of openwork, in wood or metal, used for confining birds or other animals. In his cage, like parrot fine and gay. Cowper. 2. A place of confinement for malefactors Shak. Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage. Lovelace.

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    One who, or that which, limits or restrains.
    To reduce to bondage or servitude; to make a thrall, slave, vassal, or captive of; to enslave. She soothes, but never can inthrall my mind. Prior.
    1. To imprison; to confine in a jail or priso 2. To confine; to shut up or inclose; to hem in. Incarcerated hernia , hernia in which the constriction can not be easily reduced.
    The keeper of a pound.
    The act of reducing to slavery; state of being enslaved; bondage; servitude. A fresh enslavement to their enemies. South.
    A kind of rich, sweet cake; -- so called from the ingredients being used by pounds, or in equal quantities.
    1. To strike repeatedly with some heavy instrument; to beat. With cruel blows she pounds her blubbered cheeks. Dryden. 2. To comminute and pulverize by beating; to bruise or break into fine particles with a pestle or other heavy instrument; as,
    State of being enslaved.
    1. To put in prison or jail; To arrest and detain in custody; to confine. He imprisoned was in chains remediles. Spenser. 2. To limit, restrain, or confine in any way. Try to imprison the resistless wind. Dryden. Syn. -- To incarcerate; confine;
    1. One who, or that which, pounds, as a stamp in an ore mill. 2. An instrument used for pounding; a pestle. 3. A person or thing, so called with reference to a certain number of pounds in value, weight, capacity, etc.; as, a cannon carrying
    1. The act of beating, bruising, or breaking up; a beating. 2. A pounded or pulverized substance. "Covered with the poundings of these rocks." J. S. Blackie.
    Without limitation or end; boundless. Shak.
    To place in a tomb; to bury; to entomb. See Entomb.
    To restrain within limits; to restrict; to limit; to bound; to shut up; to inclose; to keep close. Now let not nature's hand Keep the wild flood confined! let order die! Shak. He is to confine himself to the compass of numbers and the slavery of
    The act of imprisoning, or the state of being imprisoned; confinement; restraint. His sinews waxen weak and raw Through long imprisonment and hard constraint. Spenser. Every confinement of the person is an imprisonment, whether it be in a common
    1. Restraint within limits; imprisonment; any restraint of liberty; seclusion. The mind hates restraint, and is apt to fancy itself under confinement when the sight is pent up. Addison. 2. Restraint within doors by sickness, esp. that caused by
    A rate or proportion estimated at a certain amount for each pound; poundage.
    Act of inthralling, or state of being inthralled; servitude; bondage; vassalage.
    One who imprisons.
    A large oceanic fish found in the tropical parts of all the oceans. It is used chiefly for bait.
    A small standard weight used in assaying bullion, etc., sometimes equaling 0.5 gram, but varying with the assayer.
    One who impounds.
    To imprison again.
    A Jacobite who favored the restoration of James II, on condition of a general amnesty and of guarantees for the security of the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of the realm. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, compounds or mixes; as, a
    That may be compounded.
    To expound erroneously.
    1. The act of impounding, or the state of being impounded. 2. The fee or fine for impounding.
    A system of control in which a separate manipulation, as of a rudder, may be effected by either of two movements, in different directions, of a single lever, etc.
    To shut up or place in an inclosure called a pound; hence, to hold in the custody of a court; as, to impound stray cattle; to impound a document for safe keeping. But taken and impounded as a stray, The king of Scots. Shak.


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