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Word Meanings - BEND - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To fasten, as one rope to another, or as a sail to its yard or stay; or as a cable to the ring of an anchor. Totten. To bend the brow, to knit the brow, as in deep thought or in anger; to scowl; to frown. Camden. Syn. -- To lean; stoop; deflect;

Additional info about word: BEND

To fasten, as one rope to another, or as a sail to its yard or stay; or as a cable to the ring of an anchor. Totten. To bend the brow, to knit the brow, as in deep thought or in anger; to scowl; to frown. Camden. Syn. -- To lean; stoop; deflect; bow; yield. (more info) 1. To strain or move out of a straight line; to crook by straining; to make crooked; to curve; to make ready for use by drawing into a curve; as, to bend a bow; to bend the knee. 2. To turn toward some certain point; to direct; to incline. "Bend thine ear to supplication." Milton. Towards Coventry bend we our course. Shak. Bending her eyes . . . upon her parent. Sir W. Scott. 3. To apply closely or with interest; to direct. To bend his mind to any public business. Temple. But when to mischief mortals bend their will. Pope. 4. To cause to yield; to render submissive; to subdue. "Except she bend her humor." Shak.

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Related words: (words related to BEND)

    One who confides.
    Capable of being supported, maintained, or endured; endurable. -- Sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- Sup*port"a*bly, adv.
    1. The act of confiding, trusting, or putting faith in; trust; reliance; belief; -- formerly followed by of, now commonly by in. Society is built upon trust, and trust upon confidence of one another's integrity. South. A cheerful confidence in
    One who, or that which, droops.
    Maintenance; support. Chaucer. Bacon.
    One who suppresses.
    The act of wandering, or roaming. Bp. Hall.
    To interrupt the continuance of; to intermit, as a practice or habit; to put an end to; to cause to cease; to cease using, to stop; to leave off. Set up their conventicles again, which had been discontinued. Bp. Burnet. I have discontinued school
    See DRYDEN
    Marked with the sign of the cross. Crouched friar. See Crutched friar, under Crutched.
    Abounding with support. Chapman.
    An ancient geometrical method in which an exhaustive process was employed. It was nearly equivalent to the modern method of limits. Note: The method of exhaustions was applied to great variety of propositions, pertaining to rectifications
    The proportion of weights of fine metal and alloy established by authority. By the present standard of the coinage, sixty-two shillings is coined out of one pound weight of silver. Arbuthnot. (more info) extendere to spread out, extend,
    A fixed point or station; a basis or fundamental principle; a position from which objects or principles are viewed, and according to which they are compared and judged.
    Etym: 1. To grope; to feel with the hands. He puts his hands into his pockets, and keeps a grabbling and fumbling. Selden. 2. To lie prostrate on the belly; to sprawl on the ground; to grovel. Ainsworth.
    A vertical pipe, open at the top, between a hydrant and a reservoir, to equalize the flow of water; also, a large vertical pipe, near a pumping engine, into which water is forced up, so as to give it sufficient head to rise to the required level
    In a drooping manner.
    Bent without angles; crooked; curved; as, a curve line; a curve surface.
    Having no support. Milton.
    Not to be effectually opposed; irresistible. "Your great opposeless wills." Shak.
    One who stands near; a spectator; one who has no concern with the business transacting. He addressed the bystanders and scattered pamphlets among them. Palfrey. Syn. -- Looker on; spectator; beholder; observer.
    To wander away; to go astray; to wander far and to weariness.
    Doctrine and polity of the Independents. (more info) 1. Independence. "Give me," I cried , "My bread, and independency!" Pope.
    Depending on one's self.
    To withstand.
    In an overthwart manner;across; also, perversely. Peacham.
    That can not be suppressed or concealed; irrepressible. Young. -- In`sup*press"i*bly, adv.
    Confident of one's own strength or powers; relying on one's judgment or ability; self-reliant. -- Self`-con"fi*dent*ly, adv.
    In an understanding manner; intelligibly; with full knowledge or comprehension; intelligently; as, to vote upon a question understandingly; to act or judge understandingly. The gospel may be neglected, but in can not be understandingly disbelieved.
    An appendage; that which depends on something else, or is distinct from the main dependence; an accessory. Shak.


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