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Word Meanings - ADVERSARY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who is turned against another or others with a design to oppose or resist them; a member of an opposing or hostile party; an opponent; an antagonist; an enemy; a foe. His ancient knot of dangerous adversaries. Shak. Agree with thine adversary

Additional info about word: ADVERSARY

One who is turned against another or others with a design to oppose or resist them; a member of an opposing or hostile party; an opponent; an antagonist; an enemy; a foe. His ancient knot of dangerous adversaries. Shak. Agree with thine adversary quickly. Matt. v. 25. It may be thought that to vindicate the permanency of truth is to dispute without an adversary. Beattie. The Adversary, The Satan, or the Devil. Syn. -- Adversary, Enemy, Opponent, Antagonist. Enemy is the only one of these words which necessarily implies a state of personal hostility. Men may be adversaries, antagonists, or opponents to each other in certain respects, and yet have no feelings of general animosity. An adversary may be simply one who is placed for a time in a hostile position, as in a lawsuit, an argument, in chess playing, or at fence. An opponent is one who is ranged against another (perhaps passively) on the opposing side; as a political opponent, an opponent in debate. An antagonist is one who struggles against another with active effort, either in a literal fight or in verbal debate. (more info) the Latin, and adversaire, fr. OF. adversier, aversier, fr. L.

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Related words: (words related to ADVERSARY)

    A female rival. Richardson.
    A muscle which acts in opposition to another; as a flexor, which bends a part, is the antagonist of an extensor, which extends it. (more info) 1. One who contends with another, especially in combat; an adversary; an opponent. Antagonist of Heaven's
    Pertaining to emulation; connected with rivalry. "Emulatory officiousness." Bp. Hall.
    Opposing in combat, combating; contending or acting against; as, antagonistic forces. -- An*tag`o*nis"tic*al*ly, adv. They were distinct, adverse, even antagonistic. Milman.
    One who emulates, or strives to equal or surpass. As Virgil rivaled Homer, Milton was the emulator of both. Bp. Warburton.
    1. One who seeks what another seeks, or claims what another claims; one who competes; a rival. And can not brook competitors in love. Shak. 2. An associate; a confederate. Every hour more competitors Flock to their aid, and still their
    Rivalry. B. Jonson.
    The act of rivaling, or the state of being a rival; a competition. "Keen contention and eager rivalries." Jeffrey. Syn. -- Emulation; competition. See Emulation.
    Acting in competition; competing; rival.
    One who is turned against another or others with a design to oppose or resist them; a member of an opposing or hostile party; an opponent; an antagonist; an enemy; a foe. His ancient knot of dangerous adversaries. Shak. Agree with thine adversary
    One hostile to another; one who hates, and desires or attempts the injury of, another; a foe; an adversary; as, an enemy of or to a person; an enemy to truth, or to falsehood. To all good he enemy was still. Spenser. I say unto you, Love
    Situated in front; opposite; hence, opposing; adverse; antagonistic. Pope. (more info) or place against, to oppose; ob + ponere to place. See
    1. Rivalry; competition. 2. Equality, as of right or rank. hak.
    having the same brook in common, rivals, fr. rivalis belonging to a 1. A person having a common right or privilege with another; a partner. If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus, The rivals of my watch, bid them make haste. Shak. 2. One who is in
    Failure to arrive.
    A fellow rival; a competitor; a rival; also, a companion. Shak.
    A principal enemy. Specifically, Satan, the grand adversary of mankind. Milton.
    Having four valves; quadrivalve.
    Having three valves; three-valved.
    The quality or state of being trivalent.
    The quality or state of being quadrivalent; tetravalence.
    To surpass in a rivalry.
    Having a valence of four; capable of combining with, being replaced by, or compared with, four monad atoms; tetravalent; -- said of certain atoms and radicals; thus, carbon and silicon are quadrivalent elements.
    Shrievalty. Johnson.


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