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Word Meanings - ACCEPTABLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an acceptable present, one acceptable to us.

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Related words: (words related to ACCEPTABLE)

    Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an acceptable present, one acceptable to us.
    Acknowledging, or complying with, obligation; trustworthy. The main difference between people seems to be, that one man can come under obligations on which you can rely, -- is obligable; and another is not. Emerson.
    The quality of being valuable.
    In a consistent manner.
    One who, or that which, obliges. Sir H. Wotton.
    The quality of being amiable; amiability.
    One whose business is to make sport for others; a buffoon; a zany; especially, one who attends a mountebank or quack doctor. Note: This term is said to have originated from one Andrew Borde, an English physician of the 16th century, who
    friend, fr. amare to love. The meaning has been influenced by F. aimable, L. amabilis lovable, fr. amare to love. Cf. Amicable, 1. Lovable; lovely; pleasing. So amiable a prospect. Sir T. Herbert. 2. Friendly; kindly; sweet; gracious;
    1. Giving or producing satisfaction; yielding content; especially, relieving the mind from doubt or uncertainty, and enabling it to rest with confidence; sufficient; as, a satisfactory account or explanation. 2. Making amends, indemnification,
    Obligation. I will not resist, therefore, whatever it is, either of divine or human obligement, that you lay upon me. Milton.
    Receiving, or entitled to have or receive, advantage, use, or benefit; as, the beneficial owner of an estate. Kent. 3. King. "A beneficial foe." B. Jonson. Syn. -- See Advantage. (more info) 1. Conferring benefits; useful; profito. The war which
    Yielding or bringing profit or gain; gainful; lucrative; useful; helpful; advantageous; beneficial; as, a profitable trade; profitable business; a profitable study or profession. What was so profitable to the empire became fatal to the emperor.
    One who pleases or gratifies.
    Of pleasing speech.
    . Governed by expediency; seeking advantage; as an expediential policy. "Calculating, expediential understanding." Hare. -- Ex*pe`di*en"tial*ly , adv.
    Making or producing mirth; convivial; jolly.
    Tending to, engaged in, or provocate of, sport; gay; froliscome; playful; merry. Is it I That drive thee from the sportive court Shak. -- Sport"ive*ly, adv. -- Sport"ive*ness, n.
    The state or quality of being pleasant.
    A person devoted to worldly pleasure. Sir T. Browne.
    The state or quality of being; disagreeable; unpleasantness.
    1. Ungrateful; thankless; unappreciative. Milton. He proved extremely false and ingrateful to me. Atterbury. 2. Unpleasing to the sense; distasteful; offensive. He gives . . . no ingrateful food. Milton. -- In"grate`ful*ly, adv. -- In"grate`ful*ness,
    In an improper manner; not properly; unsuitably; unbecomingly.
    The act of upbraiding or taunting; a reproach; a taunt. Improperatios and terms of scurrility. Sir T. Browne
    Not expedient; not tending to promote a purpose; not tending to the end desired; inadvisable; unfit; improper; unsuitable to time and place; as, what is expedient at one time may be inexpedient at another. If it was not unlawful, yet it was highly
    To please excessively.


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