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Word Meanings - WEAL-BALANCED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Balanced or considered with reference to public weal. Shak.

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    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    1. With exposure to popular view or notice; without concealment; openly; as, property publicly offered for sale; an opinion publicly avowed; a declaration publicly made. 2. In the name of the community. Addison.
    With consideration or deliberation.
    In Great Britain, any of various schools maintained by the community, wholly or partly under public control, or maintained largely by endowment and not carried on chiefly for profit; specif., and commonly, any of various select and usually
    A corporation, such as a railroad company, lighting company, water company, etc., organized or chartered to follow a public calling or to render services more or less essential to the general public convenience or safety.
    1. The quality or state of being public, or open to the view or notice of people at large; publicity; notoriety; as, the publicness of a sale. 2. The quality or state of belonging to the community; as, the publicness of property. Boyle.
    A farmer of the taxes and public revenues; hence, a collector of toll or tribute. The inferior officers of this class were often oppressive in their exactions, and were regarded with great detestation. As Jesus at meat . . . many publicans
    1. The act of publishing or making known; notification to the people at large, either by words, writing, or printing; proclamation; divulgation; promulgation; as, the publication of the law at Mount Sinai; the publication of the gospel;
    consider, view attentively, prob. fr. con- + sidus, sideris, star, constellation; orig., therefore, to look at the stars. See Sidereal, 1. To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to thank on with care; to ponder; to study; to
    The act or result of balancing or adjusting; equipoise; even adjustment of forces. Darwin.
    The quality or state of being public, or open to the knowledge of a community; notoriety; publicness.
    Public-spirited. -- Pub"lic-mind`ed*ness, n.
    1. Worthy of consideration, borne in mind, or attended to. It is considerable, that some urns have had inscriptions on them expressing that the lamps were burning. Bp. Wilkins. Eternity is infinitely the most considerable duration. Tillotson. 2.
    One who considers; a man of reflection; a thinker. Milton.
    One who considers. Sir T. Browne.
    Considerate; careful; thoughtful. I love to be considerative. B. Jonson.
    1. Of or pertaining to the people; belonging to the people; relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community; -- opposed to private; as, the public treasury. To the public good Private respects must yield. Milton. He touched the dead
    Worthiness of consideration; dignity; value; size; amount.
    Such as can be balanced.
    Not considered or attended to; not regarded; inconsiderable; trifling. A snapper-up of unconsidered trifles. Shak.
    Want of due consideration; inattention to consequences; inconsiderateness. Blindness of mind, inconsideration, precipitation. Jer. Taylor. Not gross, willful, deliberate, crimes; but rather the effects of inconsideration. Sharp.
    Inconsiderate; heedless; careless. Daniel. -- Un`con*sid"er*ate*ness, n. Hales.
    1. Not considerate; not attentive to safety or to propriety; not regarding the rights or feelings of others; hasty; careless; thoughtless; heedless; as, the young are generally inconsiderate; inconsiderate conduct. It is a very unhappy token of
    To oppose with an equal weight or power; to counteract the power or effect of; to countervail; to equiponderate; to balance. The remaining air was not able to counterbalance the mercurial cylinder. Boyle. The cstudy of mind is necessary
    Inconsiderateness; thoughtlessness. Chesterfield.
    The quality or state of being inconsiderate. Tillotson.
    1. To exceed equality with; to outweigh. Locke. 2. To cause to lose balance or equilibrium.


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