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Word Meanings - STEERING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

from Steer, v. Steering wheel , the wheel by means of which the rudder of a vessel is turned and the vessel is steered.

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    Any species of limicoline birds of the genera Strepsilas and Arenaria, allied to the plovers, especially the common American and European species . They are so called from their habit of turning up small stones in search of mollusks and
    The quality of turning; instability; tergiversation. Sir P. Sidney.
    The hole in the deck through which the rudderpost passes.
    The pieces, or chips, detached in the process of turning from the material turned. (more info) 1. The act of one who, or that which, turns; also, a winding; a bending course; a fiexure; a meander. Through paths and turnings often trod
  • TURN
    1. The act of turning; movement or motion about, or as if about, a center or axis; revolution; as, the turn of a wheel. 2. Change of direction, course, or tendency; different order, position, or aspect of affairs; alteration; vicissitude; as, the
    A company or association of gymnasts and athletes.
    A building used as a school of gymnastics.
    A young male of the ox kind; especially, a common ox; a castrated taurine male from two to four years old. See the Note under Ox. (more info) OHG. stior, Icel. stjorr, , Sw. tjur, Dan. tyr, Goth. stiur, Russ. tur', Pol. tur, Ir. & Gael. tarbh,
    A small breed of dogs having a long body and short crooked legs. These dogs were formerly much used for turning a spit on which meat was roasting. (more info) 1. One who turns a spit; hence, a person engaged in some menial office. His lordship
    + sole the sun, L. sol. See Turn, Solar, a., and cf. A plant of the genus Heliotropium; heliotrope; -- so named because its flowers are supposed to turn toward the sun. The sunflower. A kind of spurge . The euphorbiaceous plant Chrozophora
    A loop or sleeve with a screw thread at one end and a swivel at the other, -- used for tightening a rod, stay, etc. A gravitating catch, as for fastening a shutter, the end of a chain, or a hasp.
    One who forsakes his party or his principles; a renegade; an apostate. He is a turncoat, he was not true to his profession. Bunyan.
    The European goatsucker.
    The double cyanide of ferrous and ferric iron, a dark blue amorphous substance having a coppery luster, used in dyeing, calico printing, etc. Cf. Prussian blue, under Prussian.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    1. The art of fashioning solid bodies into cylindrical or other forms by means of a lathe. 2. Things or forms made by a turner, or in the lathe. Chairs of wood, the seats triangular, the backs, arms, and legs loaded with turnery. Walpole.
    A large revolving platform, for turning railroad cars, locomotives, etc., in a different direction; -- called also turnplate.
    A gambling or lottery device consisting of a wheel which is spun horizontally, articles or sums to which certain marks on its circumference point when it stops being distributed according to varying rules.
    1. Capable of being turned down; specif. , designating, or pertaining to, an incandescent lamp with a small additional filament which can be made incandescent when only a small amount of light is required. 2. Made to wear with the upper part
    A man whose occupation is to make or repair wheels and wheeled vehicles, as carts, wagons, and the like.
    To turn again.
    See WINDOW (more info) Alexandria, who is represented with a wheel, in allusion to her
    A vehicle having four wheels.
    1. Of, pertaining to, done or occuring in, the night; as, nocturnal darkness, cries, expedition, etc.; -- opposed to Ant: diurnal. Dryden. 2. Having a habit of seeking food or moving about at night; as, nocturnal birds and insects.
    Plumbum. Quain.
    Of long continuance; lasting. Milton.
    A form of impulse turbine or water wheel, consisting of a row of double cup-shaped buckets arranged round the rim of a wheel and actuated by one or more jets of water playing into the cups at high velocity.
    1. To turn or throw from a basis, foundation, or position; to overset; as, to overturn a carriage or a building. 2. To subvert; to destroy; to overthrow. 3. To overpower; to conquer. Milton. Syn. -- To demolish; overthrow. See Demolish.
    Giddy. Bacon.
    A choir desk, or reading desk, in some churches, from which the lections, or Scripture lessons, are chanted or read; hence, a reading desk. . Fairholt.
    Admitting no return. Chapman.


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