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Word Meanings - SOLATIUM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Anything which alleviates or compensates for suffering or loss; a compensation; esp., an additional allowance, as for injured feelings.

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    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    By way of addition.
    One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.
    To do harm to; to impair the excellence and value of; to hurt; to damage; -- used in a variety of senses; as: To hurt or wound, as the person; to impair soundness, as of health. To damage or lessen the value of, as goods or estate. To slander,
    1. Able to suffer or endure; patient. "Ye must be sufferable." Chaucer. 2. That may be suffered, tolerated, or permitted; allowable; tolerable. -- Suf"fer*a*ble*ness, n. -- Suf"fer*a*bly, adv.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    1. Not just; wrongful; iniquitous; culpable. Milton. Till the injurious Roman did extort This tribute from us, we were free. Shak. 2. Causing injury or harm; hurtful; harmful; detrimental; mischievous; as, acts injurious to health,
    The bearing of pain, inconvenience, or loss; pain endured; distress, loss, or injury incurred; as, sufferings by pain or sorrow; sufferings by want or by wrongs. "Souls in sufferings tried." Keble.
    Added; supplemental; in the way of an addition.
    The quality of being injurious or hurtful; harmfulness; injury.
    souffrance, L. sufferentia, from sufferens, -entis, of 1. The state of suffering; the bearing of pain; endurance. He must not only die the death, But thy unkindness shall his death draw out To lingering sufferance. Shak. 2. Pain endured;
    Injury; invasion of another's rights.
    A customary deduction from the gross weight of goods, different in different countries, such as tare and tret. (more info) 1. Approval; approbation. Crabbe. 2. The act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission;
    One who injures or wrongs.
    1. One who suffers; one who endures or undergoes suffering; one who sustains inconvenience or loss; as, sufferers by poverty or sickness; men are sufferers by fire or by losses at sea. 2. One who permits or allows.
    LL. sofferire, for L. sufferre; sub under + ferre to bear, 1. To feel, or endure, with pain, annoyance, etc.; to submit to with distress or grief; to undergo; as, to suffer pain of body, or grief of mind. 2. To endure or undergo without sinking;
    In an injurious or hurtful manner; wrongfully; hurtfully; mischievously.
    1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. Did you ever know of anything so unlucky A. Trollope. They do not know that anything is amiss with them. W. G.
    1. The act or principle of compensating. Emerson. 2. That which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent; that which makes good the lack or variation of something else; that which compensates for loss or privation; amends; remuneration;
    Any damage or violation of, the person, character, feelings, rights, property, or interests of an individual; that which injures, or occasions wrong, loss, damage, or detriment; harm; hurt; loss; mischief; wrong; evil; as, his health was impaired
    Forbearance to punish or resent.
    In a manner or to a degree beyond endurance; intolerably; as, a blaze insufferably bright; a person insufferably proud.
    One who suffers with another. Wycherley.
    To exceed in suffering.
    Inability or incapability of enduring, or of being endured. Wyclif.
    Used to denote a case where a set-off pleaded by the defendant is met by a set-off pleaded by the plaintiff. (more info) 1. Recompense.
    The act of disallowing; refusal to admit or permit; rejection. Syn. -- Disapprobation; prohibition; condemnation; censure; rejection.


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