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Word Meanings - SKEPTICISM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The doctrine that no fact or principle can be certainly known; the tenet that all knowledge is uncertain; Pyrrohonism; universal doubt; the position that no fact or truth, however worthy of confidence, can be established on philosophical grounds;

Additional info about word: SKEPTICISM

The doctrine that no fact or principle can be certainly known; the tenet that all knowledge is uncertain; Pyrrohonism; universal doubt; the position that no fact or truth, however worthy of confidence, can be established on philosophical grounds; critical investigation or inquiry, as opposed to the positive assumption or assertion of certain principles. (more info) 1. An undecided, inquiring state of mind; doubt; uncertainty. That momentary amazement, and irresolution, and confusion, which is the result of skepticism. Hune.

Related words: (words related to SKEPTICISM)

    1. The act of confiding, trusting, or putting faith in; trust; reliance; belief; -- formerly followed by of, now commonly by in. Society is built upon trust, and trust upon confidence of one another's integrity. South. A cheerful confidence in
    Adapted or adaptable to all or to various uses, shapes, sizes, etc.; as, a universal milling machine. (more info) 1. Of or pertaining to the universe; extending to, including, or affecting, the whole number, quantity, or space; unlimited; general;
    Truthful; likely; probable. "A more truthy import." W. G. Palgrave.
    The quality or state of being universal; universality.
    To make universal; to generalize. Coleridge.
    In a doubtful manner. Nor did the goddess doubtfully declare. Dryden.
    In a universal manner; without exception; as, God's laws are universally binding on his creatures.
    1. The quality or state of being uncertain. 2. That which is uncertain; something unknown. Our shepherd's case is every man's case that quits a moral certainty for an uncertainty. L'Estrange.
    One who regards the Church primarily as an establishment formed by the State, and overlooks its intrinsic spiritual character. Shipley.
    Devoid of truth; dishonest; dishonest; spurious; faithless. -- Truth"less*ness, n.
    In an uncertain manner.
    duten, douten, OF. duter, doter, douter, F. douter, fr. L. dubitare; 1. To waver in opinion or judgment; to be in uncertainty as to belief respecting anything; to hesitate in belief; to be undecided as to the truth of the negative or
    L. stabilire, fr. stabilis firm, steady, stable. See Stable, a., - 1. To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm. So were the churches established in the faith.
    One who loves the truth. Truth-lover was our English Duke. Tennyson.
    Of or pertaining to the whole; universal.
    The doctrine or belief that all men will be saved, or made happy, in the future state.
    1. State of being doubtful. 2. Uncertainty of meaning; ambiguity; indefiniteness. " The doubtfulness of his expressions." Locke. 3. Uncertainty of event or issue. Bacon.
    One who believes in Universalism; one of a denomination of Christians holding this faith. 2. One who affects to understand all the particulars in statements or propositions. Bentley.
    Any opinion, principle, dogma, belief, or doctrine, which a person holds or maintains as true; as, the tenets of Plato or of Cicero. That al animals of the land are in their kind in the sea, . . . is a tenet very questionable. Sir T. Browne. The
    Full of truth; veracious; reliable. -- Truth"ful*ly, adv. -- Truth"ful*ness, n.
    Prior knowledge.
    Formidable; dread; terrible to foes; as, a redoubtable hero;
    The state of two nouns or pronouns, put in the same case, without a connecting word between them; as, I admire Cicero, the orator. Here, the second noun explains or characterizes the first. Growth by apposition , a mode of growth characteristic
    One who belongs to the opposition party. Praed.
    To establish beforehand.
    1. To of or admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth; to declare one's belief in; as, to acknowledge the being of a God. I acknowledge my transgressions. Ps. li. 3. For ends generally acknowledged to be good. Macaulay. 2. To own
    1. The act or process of unsettling or breaking up that which has been established; specifically, the withdrawal of the support of the state from an established church; as, the disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish Church by
    1. The act of exposing or laying open; a setting out or displaying to public view. 2. The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation; interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or
    The quality or state of being self-confident; self-reliance. A feeling of self-confidence which supported and sustained him. Beaconsfield.
    1. The act or process of resolving the constituent parts of a compound body or substance into its elementary parts; separation into constituent part; analysis; the decay or dissolution consequent on the removal or alteration of some of
    The act of setting aside, or of giving up. Jer. Taylor.
    Not acknowledged or recognized. For which bounty to us lent Of him unknowledged or unsent. B. Jonson.


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