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Word Meanings - SACRAMENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One of the solemn religious ordinances enjoined by Christ, the head of the Christian church, to be observed by his followers; hence, specifically, the eucharist; the Lord's Supper. Syn. -- Sacrament, Eucharist. -- Protestants apply the

Additional info about word: SACRAMENT

One of the solemn religious ordinances enjoined by Christ, the head of the Christian church, to be observed by his followers; hence, specifically, the eucharist; the Lord's Supper. Syn. -- Sacrament, Eucharist. -- Protestants apply the term sacrament to baptism and the Lord's Supper, especially the latter. The R. Cath. and Greek churches have five other sacraments, viz., confirmation, penance, holy orders, matrimony, and extreme unction. As sacrament denotes an oath or vow, the word has been applied by way of emphasis to the Lord's Supper, where the most sacred vows are renewed by the Christian in commemorating the death of his Redeemer. Eucharist denotes the giving of thanks; and this term also has been applied to the same ordinance, as expressing the grateful remembrance of Christ's sufferings and death. "Some receive the sacrament as a means to procure great graces and blessings; others as an eucharist and an office of thanksgiving for what they have received." Jer. Taylor. (more info) mystery, a sacrament, fr. sacrare to declare as sacred, sacer sacred: 1. The oath of allegiance taken by Roman soldiers; hence, a sacred ceremony used to impress an obligation; a solemn oath-taking; an oath. I'll take the sacrament on't. Shak. 2. The pledge or token of an oath or solemn cobenant; a sacred thing; a mystery. God sometimes sent a light of fire, and pillar of a cloud . . . and the sacrament of a rainbow, to guide his people through their portion of sorrows. Jer. Taylor.

Related words: (words related to SACRAMENT)

    Regard for the church.
    Befitting a church or a churchman; becoming to a clergyman. Shak.
    The act of solemnizing; celebration; as, the solemnization of a marriage.
    1. One who believes, or professes or is assumed to believe, in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by Him; especially, one whose inward and outward life is conformed to the doctrines of Christ. The disciples were called Christians first
    1. To perform with solemn or ritual ceremonies, or according to legal forms. Baptism to be administered in one place, and marriage solemnized in another. Hooker. 2. To dignify or honor by ceremonies; to celebrate. Their choice nobility and flowers
    Made in form; ceremonious; as, solemn war; conforming with all legal requirements; as, probate in solemn form. Burrill. Jarman. Greenleaf. Solemn League and Covenant. See Covenant, 2. Syn. -- Grave; formal; ritual; ceremonial; sober; serious;
    1. To baptize and give a Christian name to. 2. To give a name; to denominate. "Christen the thing what you will." Bp. Burnet. 3. To Christianize. Jer. Taylor. 4. To use for the first time.
    Christianlike. Longfellow.
    The era in use in all Christian countries, which was intended to commence with the birth of Christ. The era as now established was first used by Dionysius Exiguus , who placed the birth of Christ on the 25th of December in the year of Rome 754,
    In a specific manner.
    To solemnize; as, to solemnizate matrimony. Bp. Burnet.
    AS. circe, cyrice; akin to D. kerk, Icel. kirkja, Sw. kyrka, Dan. kirke, G. kirche, OHG. chirihha; all fr. Gr. ç'd4ra hero, Zend. çura 1. A building set apart for Christian worship. 2. A Jewish or heathen temple. Acts xix. 37. 3. A formally
    The ground adjoining a church, in which the dead are buried; a cemetery. Like graves in the holy churchyard. Shak. Syn. -- Burial place; burying ground; graveyard; necropolis; cemetery; God's acre.
    A seat in the porch of a church. Shak.
    In a solemn manner; with gravity; seriously; formally. There in deaf murmurs solemnly are wise. Dryden. I do solemnly assure the reader. Swift.
    In a sacrament manner.
    The modes or scales used in ancient church music. See Gregorian.
    Christlike. H. Bushnell.
    One who holds the doctrine of the real objective presence of Christ;s body and blood in the holy eucharist. Shipley.
    To deprive of sacramental character or efficacy; as, to unsacrament the rite of baptism.
    Opposition or contrariety to the Christian religion.
    One who recognizes three sacraments, and no more; -- namely, baptism, the Lord's Supper, and penance. See Sacrament.
    From hence.
    From, or forth from, what or which place; whence. Spenser.
    To observe inaccurately; to mistake in observing. Locke.


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