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Word Meanings - REVIVALIST - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A clergyman or layman who promotes revivals of religion; an advocate for religious revivals; sometimes, specifically, a clergyman, without a particular charge, who goes about to promote revivals. Also used adjectively.

Related words: (words related to REVIVALIST)

    Burdensome; troublesome. Chaucer.
    1. To lay on or impose, as a load, tax, or burden; to load; to fill. A carte that charged was with hay. Chaucer. The charging of children's memories with rules. Locke. 2. To lay on or impose, as a task, duty, or trust; to command, instruct, or
    advocatus, one summoned or called to another; properly the p. p. of advocare to call to, call to one's aid; ad + vocare to call. See 1. One who pleads the cause of another. Specifically: One who pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or
    In a specific manner.
    1. Formerly; sometime. That fair and warlike form In which the majesty of buried Denmark Did sometimes march. Shak. 2. At times; at intervals; now and then;occasionally. It is good that we sometimes be contradicted. Jer. Taylor. Sometimes . . .
    1. That may be charged, laid, imposed, or imputes; as, a duty chargeable on iron; a fault chargeable on a man. 2. Subject to be charge or accused; liable or responsible; as, revenues chargeable with a claim; a man chargeable with murder. 3. Serving
    A diplomatic representative, or minister of an inferior grade, accredited by the government of one state to the minister of foreign affairs of another; also, a substitute, ad interim, for an ambassador or minister plenipotentiary.
    Outdoor; exterior. "Her without-door form." Shak.
    Without; outside' outwardly. Cf. Withinforth. Chaucer.
    A monastic or religious order subject to a regulated mode of life; the religious state; as, to enter religion. Trench. A good man was there of religion. Chaucer. 4. Strictness of fidelity in conforming to any practice, as if it were an enjoined
    1. The state or quality of being particular; distinctiveness; circumstantiality; minuteness in detail. 2. That which is particular; as: Peculiar quality; individual characteristic; peculiarity. "An old heathen altar with this particularity."
    1. In a particular manner; expressly; with a specific reference or interest; in particular; distinctly. 2. In an especial manner; in a high degree; as, a particularly fortunate man; a particularly bad failure. The exact propriety of Virgil
    1. To contribute to the growth, enlargement, or prosperity of (any process or thing that is in course); to forward; to further; to encourage; to advance; to excite; as, to promote learning; to promote disorder; to promote a business venture. "Born
    An ordained minister; a man regularly authorized to peach the gospel, and administer its ordinances; in England usually restricted to a minister of the Established Church.
    1. The practice of, or devotion to, religion. 2. Affectation or pretense of religion.
    1. One who, or that which, forwards, advances, or promotes; an encourager; as, a promoter of charity or philosophy. Boyle. 2. Specifically, one who sets on foot, and takes the preliminary steps in, a scheme for the organization of a corporation,
    The doctrine of particular election. (more info) 1. A minute description; a detailed statement.
    Free from, or with little, charge.
    On the point or verge of; going; in act of. Paul was now aboutto open his mouth. Acts xviii. 14. 7. Concerning; with regard to; on account of; touching. "To treat about thy ransom." Milton. She must have her way about Sarah. Trollope. (more info)
    The quality of being chargeable or expensive. Whitelocke.
    To charge erroneously, as in account. -- n.
    To charge ; to impose upon. His countenance would express the spirit and the passion of the part he was encharged with. Jeffrey.
    A co-religion
    The quality of being roundabout; circuitousness.
    1. To charge or load too heavily; to burden; to oppress; to cloy. Sir W. Raleigh. 2. To fill too full; to crowd. Our language is overcharged with consonants. Addison. 3. To charge excessively; to charge beyond a fair rate or price. 4.
    1. To free from a charge or load; to unload. Wyclif. 2. To free from an accusation; to make no charge against; to acquit. Shak.
    The act of surcharging; also, surcharge, surplus. Daniel.
    Those general charges or expenses in any business which cannot be charged up as belonging exclusively to any particular part of the work or product, as where different kinds of goods are made, or where there are different departments in a business;


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