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Word Meanings - POLYTECHNICS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The science of the mechanic arts.

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    That science, or branch of applied mathematics, which treats of the action of forces on bodies. Note: That part of mechanics which considers the action of forces in producing rest or equilibrium is called statics; that which relates to such action
    One skilled in the theory or construction of machines; a machinist. Boyle.
    1. Pertaining to, governed by, or in accordance with, mechanics, or the laws of motion; pertaining to the quantitative relations of force and matter, as distinguished from mental, vital, chemical, etc.; as, mechanical principles; a mechanical
    In a mechanical manner.
    Pertaining to, connected with, or dependent upon, both mechanics and chemistry; -- said especially of those sciences which treat of such phenomena as seem to depend on the laws both of mechanics and chemistry, as electricity and magnetism.
    To cause to become mechanical.
    1. The art of the application of the laws of motion or force to construction. 2. A mechanician; an artisan; an artificer; one who practices any mechanic art; one skilled or employed in shaping and uniting materials, as wood, metal, etc., into any
    The state or quality of being mechanical.
    1. Knowledge; lnowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts. If we conceive God's or science, before the creation, to be extended to all and every part of the world, seeing everything as it is, . . . his science or sight from all
    Designating, or pert. to, any device for operating mechanisms at a distance. --Tel`e*mech"a*nism , n.
    Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight. God's certain prescience of the volitions of moral agents. J. Edwards.
    The quality or state of being omniscient; -- an attribute peculiar to God. Dryden.
    Want of science or knowledge; ignorance. If that any wight ween a thing to be otherwise than it is, it is not only unscience, but it is deceivable opinion. Chaucer.
    consciens, of conscire to know, to be conscious; con- + scire 1. Knowledge of one's own thoughts or actions; consciousness. The sweetest cordial we receive, at last, Is conscience of our virtuous actions past. Denham. 2. The faculty, power,
    Having a conscience. "Soft-conscienced men." Shak.
    A mechanic or mechanician expert in the art and practice of aëronautics.
    Want of knowledge; ignorance; agnosticism. God fetched it about for me, in that absence and nescience of mine. Bp. Hall.
    Of or pert. to aëromechanics.
    A system of healing disease of mind and body which teaches that all cause and effect is mental, and that sin, sickness, and death will be destroyed by a full understanding of the Divine Principle of Jesus' teaching and healing. The system
    Want of knowledge; ignorance.
    Without conscience; indifferent to conscience; unscrupulous. Conscienceless and wicked patrons. Hookre.
    That branch of physics which treats of the mechanics of liquids, or of their laws of equilibrium and of motion.
    The science of equilibrium and motion of air or an aëriform fluid, including aërodynamics and aërostatics.


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