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Word Meanings - PHILISTER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A Philistine; -- a cant name given to townsmen by students in German universities.

Related words: (words related to PHILISTER)

    The act of Germanizing. M. Arnold.
    1. A native or an inhabitant of ancient Philistia, a coast region of southern Palestine. 2. A bailiff. Swift. 3. A person deficient in liberal culture and refinement; one without appreciation of the nobler aspirations and sentiments
    1. An idiom of the German language. 2. A characteristic of the Germans; a characteristic German mode, doctrine, etc.; rationalism. J. W. Alexander.
    Literally, near akin; hence, closely allied; appropriate or fitting; relevant. The phrase would be more germane to the matter. Shak. must be germane. Barclay .
    Nearly related; closely akin. Wert thou a leopard, thou wert german to the lion. Shak. Brother german. See Brother german. -- Cousins german. See the Note under Cousin. (more info) full, own ;
    p. p. & a. from Give, v.
    To make German, or like what is distinctively German; as, to Germanize a province, a language, a society.
    The state of being a student.
    Pertaining to, or containing, germanium.
    A plant of the genus Teucrium (esp. Teucrium Chamædrys or wall germander), mintlike herbs and low shrubs. American germander, Teucrium Canadense. -- Germander chickweed, Veronica agrestis. -- Water germander, Teucrium Scordium. -- Wood germander,
    A rare element, recently discovered , in a silver ore at Freiberg. It is a brittle, silver-white metal, chemically intermediate between the metals and nonmetals, resembles tin, and is in general identical with the predicted ekasilicon. Symbol Ge.
    A sailor belonging to a dogger.
    A brother by both the father's and mother's side, in contradistinction to a uterine brother, one by the mother only. Bouvier.
    1. Same as Aryan, and Indo-European. 2. Pertaining to or denoting the Teutonic family of languages as related to the Sanskrit, or derived from the ancient Aryan language.
    1. The act of forgiving; the state of being forgiven; as, the forgiveness of sin or of injuries. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses. Dan. ix. 9. In whom we have . . . the forgiveness of sin. Eph. i. 7. 2. Disposition to pardon;
    A genus of hepatic mosses, now much circumscribed, but formerly comprising most plants of the order, which is sometimes therefore called Jungermanniaceæ.
    A labiate plant found in marshy places in Europe.
    A first cousin. See Note under Cousin, 1.


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