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Word Meanings - PANEL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings, etc. A piece of parchment or a schedule, containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff; hence, more generally, the whole jury.

Additional info about word: PANEL

A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings, etc. A piece of parchment or a schedule, containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff; hence, more generally, the whole jury. Blackstone. A prisoner arraigned for trial at the bar of a criminal court. Burrill. 3. Formerly, a piece of cloth serving as a saddle; hence, a soft pad beneath a saddletree to prevent chafing. (more info) panneau, dim. of pan skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side.

Related words: (words related to PANEL)

    The state of being moldy.
    One who, or that which, molds or forms into shape; specifically , one skilled in the art of making molds for castings.
    To create or constitute; as, to raise a use that is, to create it. Burrill. To raise a blockade , to remove or break up a blockade, either by withdrawing the ships or forces employed in enforcing it, or by driving them away or dispersing them.
    The chief officer of a shire or county, to whom is intrusted the execution of the laws, the serving of judicial writs and processes, and the preservation of the peace. Note: In England, sheriffs are appointed by the king. In the United
    That which is contained; the extent; the substance. The containment of a rich man's estate. Fuller.
    1. Lifted up; showing above the surroundings; as, raised or embossed metal work. 2. Leavened; made with leaven, or yeast; -- used of bread, cake, etc., as distinguished from that made with cream of tartar, soda, etc. See Raise, v. t., 4. Raised
    One of the sections into which the hold of a ship is divided by water-tight bulkheads. (more info) 1. One of the parts into which an inclosed portion of space is divided, as by partitions, or lines; as, the compartments of a cabinet, a house, or
  • RAIS
    See REIS
    1. One who pieces; a patcher. 2. A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.
    The quality or state of being whole, entire, or sound; entireness; totality; completeness.
    Having an undivided hoof, as the horse.
    One that has the same name as another; especially, one called after, or named out of regard to, another.
    A plane, or curved, narrow surface, either sunk or projecting, used for decoration by means of the lights and shades upon its surface. Moldings vary greatly in pattern, and are generally used in groups, the different members of each group projecting
    Divided into pieces.
    1. The act of lifting, setting up, elevating, exalting, producing, or restoring to life. 2. Specifically, the operation or work of setting up the frame of a building; as, to help at a raising. 3. The operation of embossing sheet metal,
    1. To make, enlarge, or repair, by the addition of a piece or pieces; to patch; as, to piece a garment; -- often with out. Shak. 2. To unite; to join; to combine. Fuller. His adversaries . . . pieced themselves together in a joint opposition
    A warning or citation to appear in court; a written notification signed by the proper officer, to be served on a person, warning him to appear in court at a day specified, to answer to the plaintiff, testify as a witness, or the like. (more info)
    1. In pieces; in parts or fragments. "On which it piecemeal brake." Chapman. The beasts will tear thee piecemeal. Tennyson. 2. Piece by piece; by little and little in succession. Piecemeal they win, this acre first, than that. Pope.
    1. Pertaining to, or engaged in, trade by the piece or large quantity; selling to retailers or jobbers rather than to consumers; as, a wholesale merchant; the wholesale price. 2. Extensive and indiscriminate; as, wholesale slaughter. "A time for
    A container.
    One who appraises; esp., a person appointed and sworn to estimate and fix the value of goods or estates.
    A part of a book or literary composition printed and delivered by itself; a number; a part.
    A projecting molding over the head of an arch, forming the outermost member of the archivolt; -- called also hood mold.
    One versed in the Hebrew language and learning.
    To raise or exite unreasonable. "Misraised fury." Bp. Hall.
    mulm, OHG. molt, molta, Icel. mold, Dan. muld, Sw. mull, Goth. mulda, prevalent spelling is, perhaps, mould; but as the u has not been inserted in the other words of this class, as bold, gold, old, cold, etc., it seems desirable to complete the
    The quality or state of being praiseworthy.
    The collar beam of a roof; the spanpiece. Gwilt.
    From hence.
    From, or forth from, what or which place; whence. Spenser.
    The molding of a cornice immediately below the corona. Oxf. Gloss.
    Doctrines of the Karaites.
    An upright or curved piece of timber connecting the plank sheer with the gunwale; also, a scroll terminating a rail.
    A part of male dress in front of the breeches, formerly made very conspicuous. Shak. Fosbroke.


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