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Word Meanings - MASTIC - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A low shrubby tree of the genus Pistacia , growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean, and producing a valuable resin; -- called also, mastic tree. 2. A resin exuding from the mastic tree, and obtained by incision. The best is in

Additional info about word: MASTIC

A low shrubby tree of the genus Pistacia , growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean, and producing a valuable resin; -- called also, mastic tree. 2. A resin exuding from the mastic tree, and obtained by incision. The best is in yellowish white, semitransparent tears, of a faint smell, and is used as an astringent and an aromatic, also as an ingredient in varnishes. 3. A kind of cement composed of burnt clay, litharge, and linseed oil, used for plastering walls, etc. Barbary mastic , the Pistachia Atlantica. -- Peruvian mastic tree , a small tree with peppery red berries; -- called also pepper tree. -- West Indian mastic , a lofty tree full of gum resin in every part.

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    The great band commissural fibers which unites the two cerebral hemispheres. See corpus callosum, under Carpus.
    1. Destitute of feathers; naked; unfledged. An in the leafy summit, spied a nest, Which, o'er the callow young, a sparrow pressed. Dryden. 2. Immature; boyish; "green"; as, a callow youth. I perceive by this, thou art but a callow maid. Old Play .
    A kind of head covering; a caul. Chaucer.
    Having the form of resin.
    The large-mouthed black bass. 3. A four-wheeled cab. (more info) 1. One who growls.
    The quality or state of being producible. Barrow.
    To utter a deep guttural sound, sa an angry dog; to give forth an angry, grumbling sound. Gay.
    The quality of being valuable.
    Capable of being obtained.
    Any one of a class of yellowish brown solid inflammable substances, of vegetable origin, which are nonconductors of electricity, have a vitreous fracture, and are soluble in ether, alcohol, and essential oils, but not in water; specif., pine resin
    The quality of being resinous.
  • CALL
    callen, AS. ceallin; akin to Icel & Sw. kalla, Dan. kalde, D. kallen 1. To command or request to come or be present; to summon; as, to call a servant. Call hither Clifford; bid him come amain Shak. 2. To summon to the discharge of a particular
    1. Full of shrubs. 2. Of the nature of a shrub; resembling a shrub. "Shrubby browse." J. Philips.
    Capable of being masticated.
    Of or pertaining to resin; of the nature of resin; resembling or obtained from resin. Resinous electricity , electricity which is exited by rubbing bodies of the resinous kind. See Negative electricity, under Negative.
    The act or operation of masticating; chewing, as of food. Mastication is a necessary preparation of solid aliment, without which there can be no good digestion. Arbuthnot.
    The Muse that presides over eloquence and heroic poetry; mother of Orpheus, and chief of the nine Muses. (more info) beautiful) +
    A plant coif or skullcap. Same as Calotte. B. Jonson.
    Any one of the salts the resinic acids.
    In a gymnastic manner.
    In a hypercritical manner.
    Not empirically; without experiment or experience.
    A kind of small onion , native of Palestine; the eschalot, or shallot. 2. Any onion which does not "bottom out," but remains with a thick stem like a leek. Amer. Cyc.
    In a univocal manner; in one term; in one sense; not equivocally. How is sin univocally distinguished into venial and mortal, if the venial be not sin Bp. Hall.
    1. By way of parable; in a parabolic manner. 2. In the form of a parabola.
    In a stereographical manner; by delineation on a plane.
    A genus of plants, some species of which are cultivated for their beautiful flowers; day lily.
    To grow up. Milton.
    In an acronycal manner as rising at the setting of the sun, and vise versâ.
    In a diametrical manner; directly; as, diametrically opposite. Whose principles were diametrically opposed to his. Macaulay.
    In a physiological manner.
    The act of masticating or chewing again or repeatedly.


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