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Word Meanings - ISOPOD - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Having the legs similar in structure; belonging to the Isopoda. -- n.

Related words: (words related to ISOPOD)

    Sheltered in a haven. Blissful havened both from joy and pain. Keats.
    A harbor master.
    A light cloth covering for the head and neck, used by soldiers as a protection from sunstroke.
    Similar. Rhyming cadences of similarly words. South.
  • HAVE
    haven, habben, AS. habben ; akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben, OFries, hebba, OHG. hab, G. haben, Icel. hafa, Sw. hafva, Dan. have, Goth. haban, and prob. to L. habere, whence F. 1. To hold in possession or control; to own; as, he has a farm. 2.
    Harbor dues; port dues.
    habe, Dan. havn, Icel. höfn, Sw. hamn; akin to E. have, and hence orig., a holder; or to heave ; or akin to AS. hæf sea, 1. A bay, recess, or inlet of the sea, or the mouth of a river, which affords anchorage and shelter for shipping; a harbor;
    Of or pertaining to Havana, the capital of the island of Cuba; as, an Havana cigar; -- formerly sometimes written Havannah. -- n.
    Pertaining to, or discovered by, Clopton Havers, an English physician of the seventeenth century. Haversian canals , the small canals through which the blood vessels ramify in bone.
    Manner of organization; the arrangement of the different tissues or parts of animal and vegetable organisms; as, organic structure, or the structure of animals and plants; cellular structure. 5. That which is built; a building; esp., a building
    attain to, to concern); pref. be- + longen to desire. See Long, v. Note: 1. To be the property of; as, Jamaica belongs to Great Britain. 2. To be a part of, or connected with; to be appendant or related; to owe allegiance or service. A desert place
    Possession; goods; estate. I 'll lend you something; my having is not much. Shak.
    Behavior; demeanor. Shak. (more info) having, of same origin as E. aver a work horse. The h is due to
    In a similar manner.
    Wide and general destruction; devastation; waste. As for Saul, he made havoc of the church. Acts viii. 3. Ye gods, what havoc does ambition make Among your works! Addison. (more info) fr. E. havoc, cf. OE. havot, or AS. hafoc hawk, which is a cruel
    1. That which belongs to one; that which pertains to one; hence, goods or effects. "Thyself and thy belongings." Shak. 2. That which is connected with a principal or greater thing; an appendage; an appurtenance. 3. Family; relations; household.
    A possessor; a holder. Shak.
    In the British Indian armies, a noncommissioned officer of native soldiers, corresponding to a sergeant. Havildar major, a native sergeant major in the East Indian army.
    Without a definite structure, or arrangement of parts; without organization; devoid of cells; homogeneous; as, a structureless membrane.
    Having little or nothing. Gower.
    A division of Crustacea, which, in some its characteristics, is intermediate between Amphipoda and Isopoda.
    In a dissimilar manner; in a varied style. With verdant shrubs dissimilarly gay. C. Smart.
    To behave ill; to conduct one's self improperly; -- often used with a reciprocal pronoun.
    A plane for shaving or dressing the concave or inside faces of barrel staves.
    See KNIFE
    Improper, rude, or uncivil behavior; ill conduct. Addison.
    1. The act of one who, or that which, shaves; specifically, the act of cutting off the beard with a razor. 2. That which is shaved off; a thin slice or strip pared off with a shave, a knife, a plane, or other cutting instrument. "Shaving
    Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one's self; conduct; deportment; carriage; -- used also of inanimate objects; as, the behavior of a ship in a storm; the behavior of the magnetic needle. A gentleman that is very singular
    A tool or machine for shaving. A note shaver, a person who buys (more info) 1. One who shaves; one whose occupation is to shave. 2. One who is close in bargains; a sharper. Swift. 3. One who fleeces; a pillager; a plunderer. By these shavers the


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